Weekly Bugs Fixes & Maintenance Items - Archive
Past Updates
Monday July 29th
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed Zendesk Integration - specifically ability to respond to the ticket from within P3
- Equipment Report - Labor Warranty Field is now searchable
- Fixed issue when switching credit card processing partners with recurring billing
- Fixed issue with System Templates and the Header always appearing
- Team completed review of iOS 18 Beta version - no issues found
- Company Dashboard - ability to see the invoices generated from the office as opposed to solely the technicians
Monday July 15th
Version 17.0 Released
- This is a major update that includes Business Automation and many App updates from the annual Software Survey
- Please see the Version 17.0 summary
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed issue with 2 Way Text Counter
- Fixed random issue for tech not able to complete a service call
- Fixed random issue with missing filters
- Fixed random issue with customer syncing on app but it remained in red status
- Fixed random issue with auto sync in the Legacy Calendar View on app
- Added an additional prompt before closing on the customer notes so as to prevent the loss of data
- Added the ability to include the ESM Proposal to the company when an ESM proposal is accepted
- Added more styling options for the widget on the website to initiate 2 way text
Monday June 24th
Help Desk Menu Link
- On the left hand menu in the Command Center there is now an option for the "P3 Help Desk"
- If there is a number displayed in the menu option, it indicates the number of tickets that are pending your response (the P3 team is waiting on a response from your company)
Clicking the menu will display two tables.
- The Top Table displays the "Pending" tickets - where the P3 team is waiting on a response from your company
- The Bottom Tables displays "All" tickets - in this table you can sort and filter by Ticket Number, Status and Date
In addition, from this page, your company can create new tickets that will be sent directly to the Support Team
- To create a new Ticket you must first set an e-mail associated for the ticket
- To set your e-mail: Click on Settings, then in the 3rd Party Integrations section, click on P3 Help Desk
Bugs Fixed
- Service Agreement Report Issue - current month filter
- Customer Report - Send Email - Stuck Spinning after sending the email
- Customer Report - Send Email Template - Loading Message
- QBD Sync - Invoice not resetting for QBD
- QBO Sync - Sales Tax Not Pulling Through
- Dispatching: Open call list did not update after scheduling the call
- Only display active customers when trying to schedule appointments from the app
- Optimize - Customer details page
- Optimize - Appointment Calendar, Edit, and Details page
- Ability to Filter ESM Report By Tech and Admin User
- Invoice Report with Task ID
- Customer Record - System/Equipment Settings Default View
- Sales tax liability report
- Complete System using Mini Split Duct Air handler equipment type
- Mini-Split Ducted Air Handler equipment type
Monday June 10th
16.7 - All Apps
- Random but frequent app crashes in multiple locations
- Call display issues when switching between schedule views
- Multiple repair tasks appearing on invoice
- Issue accessing other technician's schedule
- Duplicate invoice number creation
- General Appointment display issue
- Calendar freeze on app sync
Bugs Fixed
- QBO - unable to sync random repair tasks
- Random invoice processing issue
- Can't disable CC other with Preferred Payments
- In active equipment still appearing
Tuesday May 28th
Bugs Fixed
- Latency/slowness issues on several pages
- ESM Proposal - long proposal labels - better display and alignment
- Not checking for duplicate repair task when uploading repair tasks
- Proposals Sold Widget - display based on sold date
- Issue with Diagnostic Conversation Rate Report timing out
- Issue with Need Part Status on Android Phone App
- Company Dashboard - Lead Source Report not loading/timing out
- ESM Won Report - back button issue
- QBO Sync issue with service location address
- Random issue not able to delete invoice
- Random alignment issue with one template when emailed
- Random issue with time blocks
- Random issue with missing two-text messsage
- Random issue with service agreement information display on the customer record
- ESM Proposal Report - added the location address
- ESM Manage Install Materials - added ability to set if Default from this screen
- ESM Proposals - added Proposal Prefix for dealer admins, like Technicians
- Internal Reviews Report - added ability to export to spreadsheet
- Internal Reviews Report - added a counter - ability to track how many times the request was sent
Monday May 13th
Bugs Fixed
- Service Agreement Counter Display Issue
- Company Dashboard - Latency issue on Technician Leaderboard
- Avoid Duplicate Brands on ESM
- Tech Utilization Report Issue
- Tech Settings Display Issue
- Invoicing - Laravel Error
- Invoice Processing Declined Issue
- Proposal - Random missing image when emailed
- Random Dispatch Board Display Issue
- App Issue with display of other tech calendar
- Proposal Summary Widget - Added Last Month Time Period Option
Monday April 29th
Bugs Fixed
- Equipment images appearing stretched
- Create Customer Page fixes based on QB status - impact to Customer Name
- Duplicate auto tune-ups in rare scenario
- Two Way Text - create new customer - put person's name into Customer Name field
- Random Laravel error when creating a customer with comments
- Duplicate Tag issue
- Random issue where an invoice cannot be deleted
- Text Lead Report issue
- Send recurring invoices in PDF format
Monday April 15th
Bugs Fixed
- Service Agreement issue - viewing call details
- Settings page display
- Unable to remove default materials
- Email error issue on Invoice report
- Tech Leaderboard labels
- Invoice Display Issue with Payments page
- Version 16.4
- ESM Equipment & Materials Sold List
March 19th,
Bugs Fixed
- Some brands whose images were squished or stretched when viewed in the proposal
- Dispatching - on the create service call screen, when trying to create a filter, page would hang up
- Laravel error when cancelling appointments online
- Random Job Cost Report laravel error
- Random issue printing appointment calendar
- Customer Report - fixed issue with Custom Date range
- Random issue with schedule overap
- Company Dashboard Report
- Updated language to more accurately reflect what the data represents
- On Drill Down Views, made Invoices and Customers hyperlinks
- Report Dashboard - Revenue - Added Pace functionality and display
- Remove the "Send Appointment Details" page when a service call that is in progress or finished is updated
Monday March 4th,
Bugs Fixed
- Dispatching incorrect email address display
- Unable to Export Customer Report
- Fixed random issue with QBD IIF File - payment method not syncing
- Global note missing after merging customer locations
- Fix issue where couldn't change system name due to same name conflict - "downstairs" to "Downstairs" was seen as a duplicate rather than a label change
- Include contact email addresses when sending an invoice email
- Invoice Report - Added spinner when navigating between pages
- Service History by Zip Code - added more drill downs
- ESM Report - adjusted the Filter Popup to make it more intuitive
Monday February 12th,
Bugs Fixed
- Service Agreement Report - Unable to export saved search to Excel
- Equipment Report - report throwing an Ajax error
- Reviews - the number of reviews in the top tool bar is for "All" reviews. However, when you click the number to go to the Review Report it displays the current month. Therefore, the numbers are off and causing confusion. Changed logic so when Review Report displays it displays "All" so the numbers are consistent.
- Fixed Help Icon in Top Tool bar to link to the new Help Desk URL
- 3rd Party Integrations - removed old integrations
- New Setting - Default Invoice to PDF for sending email
- Flat Rate - provided ability to set the default price immediately when creating a new Repair Task
- QBD Sync - ability to sync the PO number to QB
Monday January 29th,
Bugs Fixed
- Customer Report Export and Dealer Data Export - missing "Other" phone information
- Equipment Report - ability to export was having random issues
- Not getting Review Sent Success Message in certain situations
- Random issue where service call description did not carry over to Open Call
- Service Agreement Dashboard Export - added same information as on the screen
- Service History by Zip Code - ability to drill into the number of Customers and Service Calls
- Change all references from "Website Reviews" to "External Reviews" now that the Google Review implementation is working
- Customer Record - changed the Equipment table default to display only Active equipment. Provided dropdown to filter to Inactive or All equipment.
- Report Dashboard - changed text to images
- Equipment Report - added drill down to Customer
Monday January 15th,
- Email Templates - fixed issues with adding more than one link
- Fixed issue with cancelled, open auto tune ups - set date to cancelled date
- Fixed issue where some invoices were not included on the Overdue Invoice Report
- New Enhancement Email Editor
- Email Templates - Added ability to designate if the "Header" should be included in the email
- New Report to track online calendar usage
New Review Functionality
- How to Capture Internal Reviews from Website
- Review Notifications
- Google Review Management
- New Website & Google Review Dashboard Reports
- Internal Review Report - Added Column to show Review Source
- Internal Review Report - Made the numbers in the "boxes" clickable
Monday January 8th,
- Report Dashboard - Declined Repairs - Add more time frames
- Fixed random issue where proposal amount in App does not match the amount in Command Center
- Repair Task - added spinner when adding existing part
- Overdue Invoice Report - added ability to search by Customer Name
- Overdue Invoice Report - added totals at the top of the report
- Software Utilization - Added the newer features to track
Monday December 18th,
App Release 16.1
- Integration with Preferred Payments - a second credit card processing partner
- Fixed 2 issues with the invoice Linked Appointment
- Fixed issue with saving technician permissions
- Fixed issue with Template email subject
- Fixed issue with user appointment permission
- Fixed issue the download message for the Service History by Zip Code Report
- Fixed issue with duplicate Review Requests appearing in the report after sending the invoice
- Fixed issue with exporting the Proposal Report to Excel
- Fixed issue where email address was required even though turned off
- Fixed issue where email Template was not sending to secondary emails
- Fixed issue with Incorrect Tech Color in Calendar/Map
- Fixed App crash when adding model number to new equipment
- Fixed App crash when adding repair from repair list
- Fixed App - Service notes not visible when typing
- Fixed App - No option except Finance when accepting a proposal
- Fixed Phone App - display the complete service call description
- Fixed Several App Errors from the Error Logs
- Added a "Send Test Email" for the Templates
- Merge Location - sort location address in numerical order
- Annual Revenue by Zip Code Report - Added a zip code filter to find data on a specific zip code
- Added more events to the Delete Log
QB Settings - Income Account List
QB Settings - Liability Account List
Air Filters - Filter Size
Air Filters - Filter Types
Opportunity Management Settings - Opportunity Type
Opportunity Management Settings - Status
Opportunity Management Settings - Lost Reasons
- Added P3 Support Email to Help Menu on App
- CC/App - Include proposal details on the invoice
- CC/App - Added ability to create a proposal from Customer Record
- CC/App - Add Service Agreement discount and coverage dates in the Invoice Notes
Monday November 27th,
- Fixed - customer notes unavailable when invoice is on view mode
- Fixed - random invoice issue being unable to save
- Fixed - random invoice issue being unable to edit
- Fixed - Incorrect proposal title
- Fixed - Opportunity "Lost Reason"
- Fixed - random issue with service call hyperlink
- Fixed - issue with Customers Not Services in Past 2 Years
- Create New Service Call Page - added ability to add/edit email addresses
- Added more events to Delete Log
- Changed logic such that Field 2 is ignored when determining location coordinates
- Customer Loyalty Report - broke out fields in the excel spreadsheet and added more columns
- Deactivate system will automatically deactivate associated equipment
- Service Agreement Reports - Added Custom Date Range
- ESM - Removed "Accept" button when proposal is in "Draft" phase
- Invoice Setting - two separate settings - one for invoice acceptance and one for work approved
- Review Settings - Added more help text to fields
Monday November 13th,
App Release - 16.0
Command Center
Monday October 30th,
App Release - 15.6
Bug Fixes
- App crash on different pages after updated app to 15.5
- App invoice notes not saving
- Screen freeze/crash when signing invoices
Command Center
Bug Fixes
- Service Call Report missing filter
- Cloned invoice reflects original creator's name
- Fixed bug in Customers Not Serviced in Past 2 Years. Originally it was only displaying customers that had a service call in P3 more than 2 years ago. The logic was changed to display customers that have not had a service call in more than 2 years, regardless if they had one in the past
- Customer List Page - Amount Owed column is now a setting where you can display the "Balance" or the "Amount Owed". The setting is located at the bottom of the Customer General Settings page.
Monday, October 16th
App Release - 15.5
- Auto-Sync Calendar
- Added Account Manager information on App
Bug Fixes
- App crash when clicking 3 dot menu
- General appointment display issue
- Email issue
- $0 Invoice not changing to Complete & Paid Status
- Rescheduled call issue
- Customer List sync button
- Credit card payment issue
- Sales tax calculating when not supposed to apply
Command Center Bugs Fixed
- Missing invoice amount
- What's included performance loading
- Duplicate arrival windows being created
- QBO Initial Sync issue
- Report Dashboard - added link to customer in drill down report
- Tune up appointment type greyed out
- Appointment notification not sending
Comment Center Maintenance
- Added more events to Delete Log
Customer Details - Invoice
Invoice Settings - Billing Terms
Invoice Settings - Coupon
Invoice Settings - Accreditation List
Invoice Settings - Diagnostic Fee
Sales Tax - Sales Tax Codes
Service Agreements - Service Agreement List
Monday October 9th
Bugs Fixed
- Recurring Billing Issue - price change on renewal
- Performance optimization on a handful of pages
- Added spinner to Appointment Confirmation page to indicate that the appointment is processing
- Dispatching removing holds on calls that contain secondary technicians
- Dispatching not booking general appointments for multiple techs with certain dispatching settings enabled
- Dispatching General Appointments with no details - checking for just a space in the description
- Dispatching call display with multiple techs
- Service Agreement Issues with Future Service Agreement Customer selection
- Online Appointment Email - adjusted comment section
- Tune Up Reminder Issue
- Two New Settings:
- Display Invoice Notes on Customer Page Invoice Table?
- Display Invoice Notes on Invoice Report table?
- Located in the Invoice General Settings page, in the General Settings section
- If activated, will put the notes icons next to the invoice number, if there are notes, so that you can see notes without having to pull up the entire invoice
- Added link to email Help Desk on the left hand navigation menu
- Login - saving the checkbox to the Terms and Conditions so that it does not need to be clicked on each login, but it is still checked
Monday September 25th
App Update - Version 15.4
- Android Update Only - fix download issue
Bugs Fixed
- Dispatching - Service Call Status of Primary Tech resetting when adding Secondary Tech
- Dispatching - Primary and Secondary Call - Service Call Description Issue
- Performance issue when creating new customer, add/edit service call
- Timesheet - timestamp issue
- Service Call display
- QBD IIF - Broke the steps up to improve usability and performance
- Delete log - Added the following events to the log:
Customer Details - Service Location
Customer Details - Open Call
Customer Details - Past Call
Customer Details - System
Customer Details - Equipment
Customer Details - Service Agreement
Customer Details - Diagnostic Report
Customer Details - Filters
Customer Details - Contact Info
Customer Details - Upload Files
Customer Details - Customer Notes
Monday, September 11th
App Update - Version 15.3
- iOS Updates for iOS 17 compatibility
- Home Page/Login Page Update - meet new Play Store standard
- Implement Google Play Developer Program Policy Updates
- App crash when creating an invoice
- Disable "Credit Card - Other" option by default
- Android Phone App - Call Not Showing
- QBO Sync - Authorization number being cut off
- Redundant location search when creating a proposal
- Service Agreement - Updating Price Tiers
- Personalization variable not appearing in the list of available variables
- Dispatching - service call type issue
- Add Additional Tech - Issues/Improvement to process
- Dispatching - unable to select date from calendar
- Added Help Text to the Add Additional Techs section
- Added warning in sales tax mapping
Monday August 21st
App Update
- None
The list below contains random issues happening to a single company that were fixed in the update:
- Secondary call has "Add Multiple Tech" button
- Unable to assign an open call to a Crew
- Crews - Call Label Alignment
- Missing status
- Accepted proposal - missing auto generated open, install service call
- Fix Add Additional Tech Toggle button
- Unable to send reminders from Service Agreement Dashboard page
- QBO Payment sync issue
- Customer Information - email address issue without ".com"
- Option to recreate a deleted Auto Tune Up is missing
- Timesheet blank to for 2 techs on a day
- Added additional events to the Delete Log (please note that these events will only be available going forward as of this date)
Main calendar - Open call list
Main calendar - Edit Service Call - Delete
Main calendar - Block time - Delete
Main calendar - Edit Generic/Recurring Call - Delete
Main calendar - Call being Schedule - Delete
Monday August 7th
App Update
Monday July 31st
App Update
- None
- Fixed issue with QBO Sync missing reference numbers
- Fixed issue where sometimes 2-way text is not working even if phone number tagged as "cell"
- Fixed random issue with dispatching with multiple techs
- Removed the prompt when clicking the same tech calendar when scheduling a call
- Fixed issue with QBO mapping issue with sales tax codes
- Fixed random issue with the customer information page where it would display the invoice
- Added additional events to the Delete Log (please note that these events will only be available going forward as of this date)
- Diagnostics/Equipment - Diagnostic Checklists
- Diagnostics/Equipment - Diagnostic Fee
- Diagnostics/Equipment - Equipment Types
- Flat Rate Settings - Repair Tasks
- Flat Rate Settings - Parts
- Flat Rate Settings - Part Markup
- Flat Rate Settings - Repair Categories
- Flat Rate Settings - Repairs
- Flat Rate Settings - Repair Details
- Flat Rate Settings - Support Materials
- Increased the size the 3-Dot Menu on the Calendar to make it easier to click
Monday June 19th
App Update
- Update the custom invoice status automatically
- Fixed random issue with Repair Task Price
- Adding multiple tech to call - fixed issue when removing technician
- Replacement reminder went out when it shouldn't have
- Fixed issues with ESM last update date
- Tech alert was being sent when dragging and dropping a call without saving
- Fixed random issue with payment rounding
- Fixed issue with create new service call page where call disappears from calendar when changing the number of hours
- Fixed issue with ESM proposal where the value sometimes is different in the app versus the emailed version
- Fixed a handful of Laravel Errors
- Fixed issue where sometimes a general appointment could not be scheduled
- Fixed issue with QBO invoice auto sync update & reset button
- Fixed issue with QBO liability account not always updating properly
- Fixed issue with not being access customer invoices when there are many - added pagination
- Version 15.1 released - see overview
- Ability to include Expected Job Time in "Minutes" in Excel Sheet
- Created complete system type of "Mini-Split Outdoor Heat Pump-Air Handler"
- Added more events to the Delete Log
- Added "17.5" tonnage value for individual equipment and complete systems
- Report Dashboard - Old Equipment Widget - added an Inactive/Inactive filter
Monday May 15th
App Update
- None
- Fixed issue when exporting filter data
- Fixed issue where company files were sometimes not displaying on the iPad App
- Fixed issue where the tech would sometimes not receive the SMS alert on schedule change
- Fixed issue switching between primary and secondary techs
- Fixed ESM issue to give ability to uncheck an option
- Fixed invoice duplicate payment issue
- Fixed service agreement auto-renewal price issue with multiple systems
- Fixed issue where customer search yields too many results and freezes
- Fixed issue of customer name display on the calendar
- Fixed issue on dispatch calendar - scrolling one week forward or backward will stay on the day of the week
- Added additional delete events to the delete log
- QBO Sync Log - added additional information to the log
Monday May 1st
App Update
- 14.2 Released - Compatibility with new Global Payments credit card reader
- Fixed random QBO Invoice sync error
- Fixed issue where a deleted number would still receive a text message
- Fixed issue where tech intermittently does not receive the schedule
- Fixed Timesheet display issue with the first and last name of the customer
- Fixed issue on service call - when editing time stamps the tab order is wrong
- Fixed issue on appointment calendar where the pins on the map were not always working on week and month view
- Fixed issue with the automatically close and create new open call setting
- Fixed issue with phone app where tech was unable to close out a service call
- Fixed issue with Invoice Report when filtering by payment method
- Fixed QBO repair task errors
Monday, April 18th
App Update
- None
- Fixed formatting issue on the Repair Task description
- Fixed invoice issue preventing moving the cart items up and down
- Fixed issue where the Contact Info was not receiving In-Route texts from app
- Fixed Tech Performance Report - expected job time calculation issue
- Fixed QBO Sync - repair task error
- Fixed issue with ESM proposal, the margin override not always working
- Fixed issue with invoice, where incorrect price was displayed on view
- Fixed issue where unable to switch off a service agreement
- Fixed issue where unable to display primary location as default
- Company not receiving copy of invoice when sent via text
- Updated rule on deleting anti-double booking - allows admin to delete call being created by tech in field after a period of time
- On Customer Record, added an info icon for In Active customers to display when they were marked in active and by whom
Monday, April 3rd
App Update
- Released Version 14.1 - New Mini-Split Proposal Functionality
- Fixed Issue where Why Us not always displaying on ESM Proposal
- Fixed Issue with the Service Agreement Report and the display of the primary and secondary email addresses
- Fixed Issue with the Dispatching Calendar to switch the primary technician
- Fixed Issue where the Appointment Confirmation SMS screen is blank
- Fixed Issue with the Upload File, Delete button was missing
- Fixed Credit Card Issue with multiple recurring invoices for the same customer
- Fixed Issue where sometimes the service agreement renewal invoices were not updating with the current price
- Fixed issue where inactive repair categories were still appearing on the app
- Fixed issue where unable to remove "call being scheduled" on calendar
- New Mini-Split Indoor Unit Equipment Type
- New Mini-Split Outdoor Unit Equipment Type
- New Mini-Split Indoor-Outdoor Complete System
- New functionality for matchup proposals to display all equipment images at the same time without scrolling
- Change "Accept Invoice" to just "Accept" - as Dealers have customized the language so it does not always make sense
Monday, March 13th
App Update
- Phone App sent to App Stores for Approval
- Fixed issue where online schedule was not always sending email notification about appointment
- Fixed issue where the "Accept Invoice" button was not always displaying when sending an Estimate
- Fixed issue where an Overdue Task could not be completed in the All Tasks view
- Fixed issue where customers coming from the online schedule were being marked as unzoned
- Fixed ESM proposal display to eliminate awkward page breaks
- Fixed Recurring Invoice issue where invoices with a 31 bill date are processed at the end of the month for months that don't have 31 days
- Fixed issue on moving repair tasks up and down on the invoice
- Fixed issue where equipment pictures were not displaying
- Service Agreement Report that shows the starting date of first service agreement and then the end of their current or future service agreement
- Add Zone Filter to the Customer List page, Invoice Report and Service Call Report
- Display of the Last Update By and Last Updated Date on equipment
Monday, February 27th
No App Update
- Eliminated the ability to accidentally double click when creating filters - was creating duplicates
- Dispatching Status View - Open Calls remaining on Open Call list after assigning call to a Tech
- Service Call Report - issue with Custom Date
- Dispatching - fixed call overlapping issue which prevented the display of a call on the calendar
- 2 way text error - trying to get property of "ID of non-object error
- Online Calendar - issue with arrival window
- Invoice - Incorrect taxable subtotal - on invoice view only
- Zone is not being updated correctly when a new customer is added from online calendar
- QBD - Service Agreement issue
- ESM Proposal showing the Login Id instead of Email Id for technician
- Dispatching - the map details for call had incorrect addresss
- Cancel service agreement - fixed the status and information boxes to display updated status correctly
- Recurring Invoice Completed Report - fixed underlying issue with recurring invoice creation - zero dollar invoices were being generated on cancelled/expired monthly service agreements.
- Job Cost Report - add a column for Invoice Status
- Customer Record - Service Agreement table - will now mark the status to "Not Yet Active" for a service agreement that will start in the future
- QBO - if you are on QBO, we have limited the Invoice number to 21 characters as invoices with 22 characters or more, will not sync
Monday, February 13th
- Bug Fixes
- ESM - Template Price not reflecting on Tech's proposals
- ESM - App crash when updating Proposal Status
- ESM - No option for Horizontal Airflow Gas Furnaces - data not loading correctly in a specific condition
- Customer Record - Unable to view images under Upload File
- Enhancement
- New setting - ability to toggle how the software handles Service Agreement discounts when you have overridden the system calculated price - leave it alone, or apply the discount to the custom price
- New setting - when a partial payment is made, determine how the software sets the invoice status
- ESM - ability to change customer after customer was selected
- QB - Repair Tasks not resetting
- Calls not showing on calendar
- Recurring Invoice issue
- Appointment popup showing incorrect customer
- Part details not displaying when clicking on Task Id link
- KPI Report - Technician Service Agreement Closing % Issue
- Add invoice status search criteria to Completed Recurring Invoice Report
- Copy/clone improvements
- Ability to import customer tags and customer notes
Monday, January 30th
- ESM - Allow the PDF file to be removed entirely from the Pre-Defined Complete Systems
- ESM - Allow customer name to be changed after being selected but not after an option has been approved
- QBO - Make both the customer name and invoice number links to more quickly see details
- QBD - New Setting to replace certain characters that cause the IIF file to fail import - impacts older version of QBD
- Flat Rate Settings - re-arranged the links to be in a better, more organized list
- Recurring Billing - when delete/cancelling a Service Agreement, created a prompt to delete the underlying recurring invoice as well
Bug Fixes
- ESM - Incorrect model in Equipment summary
- ESM - Issue creating complete system if there was no brochure
- Online Payment saving the credit card to be on file was not always saving
- Implemented script to auto correct if the amount paid in the invoice does not match the invoice table
- Missing service agreement in IIF file
- Recurring Billing - recurring invoice created even if all items are declined in invoice
- Recurring Billing - recurring invoice stays active even if it is not on auto-renew
Monday, January 23rd - App Version 13.4
Bug Fixes
- App - Full Customer List not showing
- App Crash when adding photo to diagnostics
- App crash when emailing the diagnostic report to customer
- App - Invoice sales tax issue when no default sales tax selected
- App - Customer List search issue
- App - Create invoice in Command Center, link to Service Call, download Service Call on App, invoice not displaying
Monday, January 3rd - App Version 13.3
New Functionality
- SEER 2 compatibility
New Functionality
- On the Customer Record, in the Open Service Call Table, we added an edit button to allow the Service Call Description to be changed and saved within the table itself. The call no longer has to be open to just change the description.
- On the add/edit service agreement pages, we changed the display to have an explicit Yes/No field to indicate if the Reminders should apply to the agreement.
Friday, January 15th - 11.2 Announcement
Over this weekend - 1/16 - 1/17 - we will release version 11.2 of the software.
New Functionality
- Ability to Apply Discount/Rebates/Taxes to the "Financed Price" with the New Proposal Method
- Ability to Customize the Subject Line, including Personalization Variables, for Invoice Email
- Ability to Send Rich Text Emails
- Ability to Test Email Communications before they are Sent
- Making the Company Delete Log Visible
- New Report - Show Customs by Last Service Date
- New Setting to Download Invoices when Service Calls are Downloaded
Bugs Fixes
While there were many company specific issues that were resolved, here are some of the global issues addressed
- Last 4 digits of an Amex card not appearing in the Invoice Payment History
- Apply for Financing Buttons were not working until a customer was selected
- Proposal Templates created in the Command Center were displayed in a different order on the App
- Rebates were not being applied on the actual Rebate End Date
- The Proposal Title in the Compare Proposal PDF was including the title of Option 1
- Updated Compare Proposal PDF to reduce the number of pages - fit more information per page
Monday, December 13th - Version 11.1 - Live
Over the weekend - 12/13 - we released Version 11.1 of the software. This version addressed an issue with the proposal pricing, specifically giving companies the ability to view the price details the same way as before the 11.0 release. Please see the Help Desk article here for more details.
Remember to you can view the details of the 11.0 release in the Help Desk by clicking this link.
Monday, August 17th - Update
- ADDED - Ability to send the company an email/text when an ESM Proposal is sent to the customer
- ADDED - Customer search to include the "Location Name" of the service locations
- ADDED - Appointment Confirmation Reminder - Made all variables that are in the Email Communication available for the Text Communication
- ADDED - A popup to warn if a user is attempting to modifying a Recurring Invoice that is already marked Complete & Paid
- UPDATED - Air Filter Delivery Report updated to display both Service Agreement and Non-Agreement Customers
- FIXED - Customer Record Back Button
- FIXED - Bug in Recent History where it was not capturing the days on the calendar other than the current day, when viewed
- FIXED - Bug where the Invoice status was reverting when an Invoice was created using the Tool Bar icon
- FIXED - Recurring Invoices were not being added in to the queue to be sync'd to QBO
- FIXED - Bug in Recurring Billing where duplicate invoices were being created when payment was taken on an invoice that was not originally paid by a credit card on file
- FIXED - GPS Integration Issue where if one Technician's account was incorrectly setup, then the rest of the techs were not displaying on the P3 dispatch map.
- FIXED - Bug in ESM where the proposal title was not displaying for dealer-added models
- FIXED - Bug in Command Center Invoice, where the Green Button calculate option was taking the quantity to be the quantity of the parts rather than the quantity of the whole repair
- FIXED - Typo on Export page
- FIXED - Bug on Edit Technician page that allowed the Technician's Invoice Prefix to be deleted
Monday, June 8th
- Open Call List - Added a sort by address and by last name. In addition, we added a filter by zip code. Lastly, we added functionality such that once you use the filters or sort, the open call list will remain on that view even if you leave and return to the page.
- When creating or editing an invoice, the Linked Appointment list was changed such that the most recent appointment is first in the list.
- For Repair Financing, we provided the ability to not display the Apply Now button. All of the repair financing price can still display, but if your finance company does not provide a good portal to apply for financing, then you can disable the button. This also provides a good way for a company to self-finance should you choose to do so.
- Fixed a bug where the invoice comments do not display. This was happening when the price of the repair was being edited and a comma was added to the price.
- Fixed a bug with remote Invoice Acceptance where the signature was freezing up on certain browsers.
Monday, May 25th - 10.4
New Functionality
- Contactless - Remote Invoice Acceptance and Work Completion with notifications to company/tech
- Ability for Customer to Confirm an Appointment from Appointment Confirmation/Reminder
- Dashboard - Tech Leaderboard - Drill down into how the software is calculating the values
- Ability to offer Repair Financing on Invoices
- Integration with Podium
- Customer Record Page Performance
- Invoice Edit/Creation Page Performance
- Service Call Reconciliation Report Performance
- Online Scheduling - identify existing customers vs new customers
- Bulk Email Blasts - allow one-time email blasts and allow for more customer record selection
- Provide an income account for new equipment sales when syncing to QB
- QBO - allow for data to be ignored and not sync'd
- When creating the Invoice PDF the default name of the file will be the invoice number
Bug Fixes
- Genius Mini crash on Android app
- Clone Repair Task not saving new task id from popup
- Need to make all 3 customer name preference selections required
Monday, April 20th - 10.0.3
- FIXED - Partial Payment Bug
Monday, April 13th - 10.0.2
- ADDED - Invoice Report - Added a column for the Amount Paid
- ADDED - 0.5 ton option for complete systems and individual equipment
- ADDED - Ability for a coupon to go to the penny.
- FIXED - On the Way Text Bug
- FIXED - Can't select Service Agreement Bug
- FIXED - Dashboard Tech Leaderboard calculation - here is how all of the columns in the Technician Leaderboard are calculated
- UPDATED - Delete Customer Record and all Invoices associated with the Customer Record are deleted as well
- UPDATED - QB Reset Page Performance and added pagination so not all result load at one time
- UPDATED - Home Page - Software Utilization Section has the Air Filter Program removed
Monday, April 6th
- ADDED - A new QB Desktop setting for "Sales Tax Liability". Go to Settings, and then under the Sales Tax Settings, click on the General Settings. There is a new setting - "Do you use the Sales Tax Liability Report in QB?" If you need this report, you will need to turn this setting to Yes, and then, you will need to update each Sales Tax Code in P3 to include the Sales Tax Vendor. If you change the setting but do not provide a Sales Tax Vendor, then the IIF file will throw errors when loading
- ADDED - To the Dashboard, Technician Leaderboard, we added a new metric - "Average Equipment Sales" - which is the average sales price of all Proposals Won that were created by the Tech
Monday, March 30th
Other improvements include:
- ADDED - Service Agreements - Add/Renew - from the Command Center we removed the inactive systems from displaying in the list. In addition, we provided a visual on the System/Equipment table so that we can see if it is active or not without having to click into the System.
- ADDED - Ability to close down Generic Appointments from the Command Center
- FIXED - Marketing Leaderboard - this Leaderboard is now available again. The performance has been fixed.
- FIXED - Timesheet Report - in the Command Center on the Timesheet report you have the ability to adjust the actual time of the Generic Call so that it accurately reflects the amount of time taken on that appointment
- FIXED - When creating a service call, we optimized the performance of when the Pre-Appointment Survey would open on the page
- FIXED - When creating a contact on a Customer Record, the Email Address is no longer required
Monday, February 17th - Version 10.0 - Video Library
Online Customer Scheduling and Confirmation
The functionality included here is to give your customer's a link to a page to allow them to book an appointment online - via a computer or smart phone. Each company will be able to control the visibility of their online schedule including which services they can register and which technicians are available for online booking. In addition, when the day-before appointment confirmations are sent, customers will be able to confirm the appointment, which will notify the company.
Recurring Billing
This functionality is to convert any invoice into a recurring invoice. The software will create the new invoice, charge the credit card on file and send the paid invoice to the customer based on their communication preference. A copy will also go to the company based on your communication preference. In addition, there will several administrative functions to see which invoices are setup for recurring billing, credit card management and charges that failed to process.
Leadsource Lifetime Value Report
Provide a report that will show the lifetime value of a Leadsource. This will take the Leadsource value in the Customer Record and add up all of the invoices that are Authorize, Complete & Not Paid and Complete & Paid. In addition to seeing the lifetime value of the leadsource in order from greatest to least amount, the report will provide a way to drill down to see the customers having that leadsource value.
Non-Service Call and Recurring Appointments
Provide the ability to create non-service call related reports on the dispatch calendar. In addition, provide a way to make both non-service call appointments and service call appointments recurring appointments.
Dashboard Report Improvements
Added 3 new reports to the Dashboard - Technician Leaderbaord, Marketing Leaderboard, CSR Leaderboard. The Technician Leaderboard is configurable as each company can determine which columns to display in the report - Average Ticket, # SA Sales, etc. The Marketing Leaderboard displays which Leadscoures are the most popular - both in terms of volume and invoice dollar amount. The CSR Leaderboard shows which dispatchers are scheduling the most calls as well as the average ticket of those calls.
Other improvements include:
ADDED - Service Agreement Renewal - unable to renew a pre-9.0 service agreement, must select a new service agreement.
ADDED - Service Agreement creation from the Customer Record - now have the ability to create an invoice while adding the agreement
- ADDED - In the Web, the Invoice number will be created after the invoice has been saved.
- ADDED - Ability to text customer the tune up reminder
ADDED - Recurring Product Reminders - Send as text as well as email
ADDED - Tech Performance Report - Add the Repair Task IDs to excel export and total cost
- ADDED - The ability to designate Repair Tasks as taxable. As a default all Repair Tasks are marked as taxable but via the Repair Task List in Settings, this can now be changed on a per Task basis.
ADDED - Invoice Timestamp - there is a new setting to display the day and time of the invoice
ADDED - Invoice Report - Export to Excel now includes the Customer and Technician notes
ADDED - Invoice Payment History - going to display the person's name going forward instead of login name
- ADDED - Ability to disable unused credit card options. If your company is using Cayan/TSYS, then you will have the ability to determine all credit card options available. If your company is not on Cayan/TSYS then only the "Credit Card Other" option will display.
FIXED - Send invoice, send Service Agreement PDF
FIXED - On the Fly Repair Creation - Sales Tax Issue
FIXED - Diagnostic Component Display issue
FIXED - Fixed the available times when assigning a tech from the Open Call list
FIXED - Fixed issue where emailing the Installation Materials from an ESM Proposal was throwing an error
Monday, January 13th
- ADDED - Added Repair Task Report by Technician. This will allow companies to see which Repairs (system and green button) each technician is making over a particular time period. This Report is called "Repair Task by Technician Summary"
- ADDED - New Dispatch Setting called "Display Location Name while creating Service Call". As the name suggests when activated, when a Service Call is created it will display the Location Name of the Service Address being selected.
- ADDED - When deleting a Proposal from the Proposal List there will be a confirmation/warning popup before the deletion is executed
- ADDED - The Pay Now button in the Invoice PDF copy so the Customer can click to Pay from the PDF
- ADDED - Error checking to prevent images, PDFs and Videos of more than 5MB from being added to the Files or Support Materials sections of the software
- UPDATED - When searching for an Equipment in the Brand/Series page, when you click into the Series, now only the models that match the search display
- FIXED - Issue where when the Invoice was emailed to the Customer as a PDF only (not in the email body), the Diagnostic was not being included in the Invoice
- FIXED - Issue where changing the Repair Task was not Triggering an Export
- FIXED - Customer Record Billing Terms issue where the Customer Information popup where if the Billing Term was not set for a Customer it was was showing the first Billing Term in the list.
- FIXED - Open Service Call issue where the software was putting a date into the appointment even after it was purposely left blank
- FIXED - When assigning an Open Call to a Technician, the map was not placing the big green pin to denote the location of the Open Call to the rest of the calls scheduled for the day.
Monday, December 30th
- ADDED - Added ability to search by customer name on the Invoice Search Report. Now you can view all invoices for a customer (across all locations) in a single place.
- ADDED - Short Cut icons for the 9.0.9 Reports so they can be added to the top tool bar
- UPDATED - On the Email Invoice popup from the Customer page, instead of displaying the variable in the email preview, we are now displaying the actual value of the variable. This way everyone can see exactly what will be emailed.
- UPDATED - Changed the label of all of the "Customize" buttons to "Filter By"
- FIXED - Formatting issues in the Time Sheet Report
- FIXED - Command Center display issues from the iPad Safari browser
- FIXED - Invoice issue where if the Customer Notes was exactly 300 characters long it was not displaying in the PDF
- FIXED - Invoice bundle display issue on the Invoice PDF version
- FIXED - Miscellaneous QBO issues
Monday, December 9th
- Version 9.0.9 of the Software was released. This is a major software update with many new features and bug fixes. Please see the Help Desk article for the many videos and articles about the update.
Monday, November 12th
- ADDED - Technician Performance Report. With this report each company will be able to see if the Technician completed the job on-time, ahead of schedule or behind schedule based on the work that was on the invoice. The report adds up all of the time associated with the tasks on the invoice, then compares it to the actual time the technician was on the job.
- ADDED - When you login to the Command Center, your company logo will display. Since there is no provision to add a picture for the admin user, we decided to display the company logo instead.
- ADDED - a new button on the QBO Customer Dashboard to help resolve conflicts when a customer record is changed separately on QBO and in P3.
- ADDED - the personalization variable $CustomerName to the Invoice Text communication so you can put the customer's name into the message.
- ADDED - the ability to make the LeadSource or the Customer Type required when creating a new customer record. This can be changed via the Settings/Customer/General Settings/
- UPDATED - Invoice PDF Display - in an attempt to reduce the number of pages printed, we have reduced the font size through the report.
- UPDATED - Changed the Default Phone Type to "Cell" when creating a new Customer Record.
- UPDATED - Technician Utilization Report to concentrate on billable hours only for the techs, based on the repair tasks added to the invoice.
- UPDATED - the error message that displays when a company tries to text a customer but they have not signed up for the text plan. Now the message will reference the company's texting status first.
- UPDATED - on the new calendar view, changed the usages so that the tech list and hours at the top are always visible when scrolling.
- FIXED - Removed having the Contact Email Address be required.
- FIXED - Miscellaneous QBO Issues including the syncing of payments when that setting was turned off.
- FIXED - Added validation to only allow PDF and Images to be loaded to the Customer Record, Upload Files table.
- FIXED - ESM Installation Materials - from the Settings page you can now control where the installation materials should be displayed regardless of where the material was created.
Monday, November 4th
- FIXED - iOS 13 issues. We upgraded P3 to be compatible with latest iOS. It is now ok to upgrade your operating system if so desired.
- FIXED - Customer Report Export. In 9.0.6 we changed the logic so that when the Export button is clicked, the report will generate in the background and when it is completed an icon will appear in the top tool bar. With the update this weekend, if there is a report waiting to be downloaded and the Customer Report Export to Excel button is clicked again, the first report will be deleted so that the new report will be available for download. If you need the original report, then it will have to be run again.
- FIXED - the bug where if a Service Agreement was added to an Invoice, but then declined, it would still generate the Service Agreement for the customer.
Monday, October 21st
- FIXED - For those users where the "Not Sync'd Files" pages was crashing after the 9.0.6 upgrade due to the number of images that haven't been sync'd we created a different way to load the page so that those images can be transferred to the cloud.
- FIXED/UPDATED - When you go to explicitly change the status of the invoice you will be prompted if the new status desired does not match the data. For example, if you are wanting to make an invoice complete & paid but there are no payments and the invoice has an outstanding balance, you will be prompted to see if you really intended that to happen.
Monday, October 14th
- ADDED - Invoice and Proposal lists on the app contain a PDF icon that allow the document to open in a PDF for printing out in the field. View Help Desk Article.
- ADDED - We will be updating the ESM proposal list in the Command Center to allow you to search by the date the proposal was accepted. This way it will be easier to identify which proposals were recently accepted. View Help Desk Article.
- ADDED - Ability to modify the ESM proposal title (app and web). View Help Desk Article.
- ADDED - Provided the ability to increase the quantity in the Installation Materials to 6 digits. View Help Desk Article.
- ADDED - Email Log - Added the ability to search by Email Type when filtering the report. View Help Desk Article.
- ADDED - Ability to include the equipment Brand in the proposal. View Help Desk Article.
- ADDED - Included the service location description to the customer record on the app. View Help Desk Article.
- ADDED - If Invoice is for a service agreement customer and there are no repair tasks, it will highlight the service agreement column and price. View Help Desk Article.
- ADDED - Ability to toggle if the ESM proposal can be changed once accepted. In addition there is a log that show the changes made and by whom. View Help Desk Article.
- ADDED/FIXED - Changed the “Diagnostic Photos” label to “Files Not Sync’d” as it now includes not just Diagnostic Images, but equipment images and customer Files. The “Files Not Sync’d” is now organized by customer to better reveal which customer has missing information on the cloud. View Help Desk Article.
- ADDED - when on the customer record, if you click to email anything (invoice, diagnostic, service call, etc) the popup will now contain the email addresses of the contacts listed in the contacts table. This will happen on both the web and app. There is no setting, this just happens automatically now. If the contact should not be emailed, then just click the trash can/delete icon in the popup - this will not delete the email address permanently but rather just not send the email to that email address.
- ADDED - The ability to set a service call so that when the technician selects the option, it automatically closes the original call and then creates a new open call. The call that is created will be an "Open" call and unassigned to a technician.
- ADDED - Starting with 9.0.6, companies no longer have to reset the technician if they are reinstalling the app - either on a new device or on the same device.
- FIXED - Ability to Delete a Service Call from the Calendar or Service Call page is restored.
- FIXED - The Customer Export button so that once the report is downloaded it allow your company to export again.
- FIXED - The ".church" domain was being flagged as an invalid domain during email validation
- FIXED - Job Cost Report - some invoices with green button repairs were setting the cost incorrectly
- FIXED - Image upload issues with the “Files Not Sync’d” section
- FIXED - Bug that prevented ESM Custom Proposals from not emailing to the customer
- FIXED - Bug that crashed the Diagnostic Photos page
- FIXED - Bug where Repair Tasks were duplicating in the Repair List
Monday, October 7th
- ADDED - Ability to disable the "Call Being Scheduled" hold. There are now 2 settings in the software - located under Settings, General Dispatch Settings. The first is "Enable Appointment Functionality to Block Double Booking?". It is currently set to Yes as this is the default functionality, but if you set it to No, the software will not put a hold in the calendar. If set to Yes, there is an additional setting - Ability to Delete a Call Marked "Call Being Scheduled" . If this is set to Yes, then the person that created the hold will have the ability to delete their calls that are in this status.
- FIXED - Disable Appointment Confirmation setting would sometimes revert after being set.
- FIXED - Clone Repair Task and part disappears
Monday, September 30th
- ADDED - Show if the customer owes money when booking a new service call.
- UPDATED - Integrated with the new Cayan/TSYS API. This was a routine behind the scenes update, but everyone should check the status of new charges to double check the new API integration is working correctly.
- UPDATED - Dashboard Report. Changed the default amount displayed to be all invoices except Estimates/Not-Authorized.
- UPDATED - On the web, when entering new equipment we changed the calendar control so that you can enter a date directly in the field without having to use the calendar itself. That is still an option, but now you can do it either way.
- FIXED - Display issue with the About Us section in a Custom Proposal.
- FIXED - On the web, fixed the tab order when creating new equipment.
Monday, September 23rd
- ADDED - Ability to edit the Customer Information on an Invoice after it has been created. Now, you can modify the Customer Information, Service Address and Billing Address sections. Please note that any changes made are applied to the invoice only, not the actual customer record.
- FIXED - When searching for a proposal in the ESM list, using the option number would result in no proposal being found. For example, if you searched on ABC100A it would not be found, but searching on ABC100 would be found. Now you can search on the option number.
Monday, September 9th
- ADDED - ESM - For existing proposal we have provided a profit and expense breakdown. With this feature you can view the anticipated profitability on a proposal based upon what was selected during the proposal process. In addition, we provided an estimator when the Equipment Costs are set. Please see the Help Desk Articles for more details - ESM Proposal Profit and Expense Breakdown and ESM Profit Estimate from Brand/Series Setup.
- FIXED - Customer Report Export. Prior to the fix, when the Export to Excel was clicked and there was a couple thousand or more records, the process would not finish. We have created an article for the solution as the export now runs in the background - allowing everyone to continue working while the report is being generated. The Help Desk Article - Customer Report Exporting to Excel and Download Icon - provides screenshots to know the status of the report as well as where to go to download when completed.
Monday, August 26th
- 9.0.5
- ESM List - added a sync button on the proposal list on the app to pull down the proposals the technician has created in the past. This corrects the issue when reinstalling the app, the proposals do not download to the app
- ESM - When a proposal is won, the other proposal options will remain visible on both the app and in the Command Center
- Diagnostic Photos - added additional logic to double check if the photos were sent to the cloud. On diagnostics that have 5 or more images, sometimes the software thinks the photos were sync'd when in fact they were not.
- From the Customer Record page on the app, now if you click to view an invoice, the declined repair amount displays on the invoice. Previously it was only displaying on the edit view.
- From the Command Center, for ESM proposals, the amount of time indicated on the proposal as well as the financing program used for the proposal is now visible.
- ADDED - Coupon Usage Report. Now all companies can see a quick summary of coupon usage on invoices.
- ADDED - Moved the Refresh button on the primary dispatch calendar to the top of the page
- ADDED - The ability on invoices to control the order of the repair tasks. Now there are up and down errors so that the display order can be customized.
- FIXED - We are in the process of rolling out a new Plumbing Flat Rate module. As the work has been implemented, we noticed that it was turning the export icon red for companies even those the repairs were inactive. This has been fixed.
- FIXED - Issue where it would throw an error when you are trying to add a new system to an invoice and the return key was clicked as opposed to using the mouse to click the add button
Monday, August 19th
- ADDED - 2 New settings to allow each company to decide if they want the appointment confirmation windows to appear. Under General Dispatch Settings, you now have the ability to turn off the appointment confirmation windows when new calls are created or edited/moved. Please note that if the windows are turned off, then the software will not provide a prompt AND the software will not send any type of confirmation to the customer.
- ADDED - On the company copy of the Invoice only, the invoice will display the actual Invoice status. This was added to the company copy to make it easier to quickly determine the true status of the invoice.
- FIXED - The "Rescheduled-Need Part" calls will display in the Customer Record Open Call list regardless of the Dispatch Setting. Before the Dispatch Setting to display the "Rescheduled-Need Part" calls in the Open Call list was being applied to both the main Dispatch view and the Customer Record. Now that setting only applies to the main Dispatch View.
- FIXED - Issue on the Service Call Report where searching by the combination of Service Call Status, Booked By and Custom Date would yield no results.
- FIXED - Rescheduling issue where if the dispatcher was rescheduling a call that was marked "Rescheduled-Need Part" from the Open Call list on the main dispatch calendar, the tech was not seeing the newly rescheduled call.
- FIXED - Issue on the ESM Proposal list where if the link was clicked to view the customer record, it would always go to the primary location, not the location associated with the proposal.
- FIXED - Issue where when creating a new customer, if you clicked just the Save button it would take you to the service call page as if you clicked the save and create call button.
- FIXED - Issues with the Email Log report where the search parameters were not bringing back the correct results.
Monday, August 12th
- ADDED - On the customer record, in the Invoice table create a link on the Amount Owed that goes directly to the Pay Now page.
- ADDED - On the customer list, create a link on the Amount Owed to the Overdue Invoice Report for the customer
- ADDED - On the Service Call Report, when exported to Excel, we included the primary email address to the exported spreadsheet
- FIXED - When creating a service call directly from the Calendar, if you attempt to create a new Diagnostic Fee from the popup, the Diagnostic Fee is created, but the popup window freezes
- FIXED - Tune Up Reminder Email Blast is sending the reminder to all active tune up customers even if the tune up has been scheduled. Going forward, once a tune up has been scheduled the customer will not get a tune up reminder.
Monday, August 5th - 9.0.4
- ADDED - From the Command Center, when viewing a Proposal you can now see the number of hours allocated for the installation as well as the financing program selected
- FIXED - Invoice issue where after accepting payment if a note is then added to the invoice before syncing, the status of the invoice would revert to Complete & Not Paid.
- FIXED - ESM Proposal issue where the notes were not being included when sent from the app
- FIXED - Invoice issue on the Android app where when trying to modify a repair task/invoice line item that is greater than $1,000 it would crash.
- FIXED - Proposal issue where an incorrect price would display in the Proposal List
- FIXED - Invoice issue where when the tech tried to modify an invoice that was created from a proposal the app would crash
- FIXED - ESM Proposal Comparison issue where with 3 or more options, after a material was declined, the formatting on the comparison screen would not be correct
- FIXED - ESM Proposal issue where sometimes the proposal on the ESM Proposal Report list would not link to the customer
- FIXED - Invoice Issue were declined items on the app were still creating the replacement open call
- FIXED - Diagnostic issue where if the customer's address had an apostrophe it would cause a crash when starting a new diagnostic
Monday, July 29th
- FIXED - QBO Invoice Sync Issue - we fixed the issue where if you changed the Step 1 settings it was reapplying the invoice setting, so if the setting was "Ignore All" invoices, then it would ignore everything from the date the setting was changed as opposed to the original initial sync date.
- FIXED - Issue with the Service Call report where it was not accurately displaying the report when filtering by the Open Call Status.
Monday, July 22nd
- UPDATED - When an ESM Proposal is accepted on the App and then it is sync'd, the software will now send a copy of the proposal to the company's email communication email address. This is similar to how the software sends a copy of the invoice to the company.
- UPDATED - Applies the new personalization variable $ArrivalWindow to the Appointment Confirmation email communication as it was originally applied to just the text communication
- FIXED - If the company setting is to not require an email address, fixed the issue where when trying to edit a customer record it would prompt for an email address. This was the result of there being an email type and then the software requesting an email address if there was a type. Also fixed as it relates to this issue, when creating a new customer record, it will not default the email type.
- FIXED - The view of the Command Center calendar from certain iPads
- FIXED - QBO Invoice Sync Issue - we fixed the issue where if you changed the Step 1 settings it was reapplying the invoice setting, so if the setting was "Ignore All" invoices, then it would ignore everything from the date the setting was changed as opposed to the original initial sync date.
- FIXED - We are in the process of adding a new section for Plumbing. However, in the process of creating the Repair Categories it was enabling them for everyone instead of marking them not to be displayed initially.
Monday, July 15th
- ENHANCEMENT - when a service call is completed, you will have the ability to shorten its duration in order to free up time on the calendar for another appointment. Go to edit the completed call and there is now an edit button next to the duration. Click, modify the duration and save. Then the call will be updated on the calendar to the new duration provided - nothing else about the completed call will change. This is for those instances where a 2 hour call is completed in 30 minutes and you want to use that hour and half space for another appointment.
- ENHANCEMENT - new QBO setting to designate if a Repair Task should be taxable or not. This will only impact the tax status of the Repair Task when it is added/updated into QBO and will not impact how P3 calculates tax. The setting can be changed from the QBO dashboard by clicking the "Data Sync Settings" section.
- UPDATED - the customer record File table such that the most recent files that were uploaded are displayed at the top of the list
- UPDATED - removed the Payment options on the ESM Proposal after it has been accepted. All payments should be conducted through the P3 invoice at this point.
- FIXED - issue where declining a Product Replacement Task was still creating the open call
- FIXED - issue where merging two companies was requiring a first and last name to be entered, even though it is not required
- FIXED - when cloning a Repair Task it is not allowing a new part to be added to the task
- FIXED - when an admin user changes the status of an ESM proposal to "Won" it does not create the P3 Invoice or open Installation service call
- FIXED - when an equipment type is disabled it is still displaying in the customer's equipment list when creating new equipment
- FIXED - when a proposal is accepted it shows up on the analytics dashboard under proposals sold. However, when the status is manually changed to "won" the proposal does not show as such on the analytics dashboard
- FIXED - dispatching issue where when you change the duration of a existing service call it was not pulling the call off the calendar in order to be placed back on
- FIXED - on the app when a technician schedules their own call, the availability list was displaying correctly, thus allowing double booking of calls
- FIXED - when manually associated an invoice with diagnostics, the diagnostics were not being attached to the PDF version of the invoice
Monday, July 8th
- Created 2 new personalization variables in Email/Text messages - $ActualAppointmentTime and $ArrivalWindow.
- Fixed an issue where processing a credit card was not returning an error message if the communication with Cayan was interrupted.
- For Cayan Genius Mini integration we added the transaction id to the Payment History notes.
- Added error checking on the system Files and Folders so that you cannot load a file without designating the file type.
- Added additional logging for when a customer accepts an EMS proposal
Monday, June 24th - 9.0.3
- Cayan Genius Mini Integration - the Genius Mini reader is a Bluetooth compatible reader that also processes the credit card with a chip. This integration provides a solution to those whose tablets do not have an audio jack or which to process the chip style credit cards.
- As part of the Cayan Genius Mini integration we are adding more credit card transaction information into the Payment History notes.
- Added ESM PDF functionality. Now on the customer record and the ESM Proposal list on the Command Center, there is a PDF button to convert the proposal into a PDF for printing or sending to the customer
- Added functionality on the invoice so that if you edit information and then click the Pay Now button you will be prompted to Save your changes, if a Save has not already happened
- Added functionality on the QBO Dashboard - if any settings or data changed, the box will turn red to notify you that something needs to be addressed
- Fixed the issue on the app where if you add a new customer and then immediately creating a service call, the service call would not appear on the dispatch calendar. Now we have placed specific instructions that you have to sync the customer record first before creating the call.
- Fixed the issue where if the diagnostic images do not fully sync to the cloud that the diagnostic stays "red" - when there are many diagnostic images, some of the images would transfer, but not all, and the software was marking the customer record and diagnostic as sync'd
- Fixed the issue where when processing a credit card payment if the invoice number is longer than 8 characters, it would throw an error
- Fixed the issue where changes the ESM installation materials from one specific category to another did not update on the app
- Fixed the issue where if you get the "Already Installed on Another Device" message that the spinner stops spinning
- Fixed the issue where if you were renewing a service agreement on the app, it was taking the settings from the original service agreement, rather than the new settings if the service agreement plan was updated since it was originally sold
- When cloning Repair Categories, Repairs or Repair Tasks, we are updating both the task id and task name to avoid QBO duplicate name conflicts
- Fixed the issue on the app where the green button repair tasks would have the same task number
- Fixed the issue where an ESM proposal would be created but then would not display under the customer record in certain situations
- Fixed the issue on the iPad app where if you try to create a new system from the invoice it would not create it
- Fixed the issue where inactive service agreements are appearing as valid options to be selected on the app invoice
- Fixed the issue on the app where if you add a new customer during the ESM Proposal process the proposal would not get associated with the customer in the Command Center
- Fixed the issue where the error message from Cayan was not always displaying when an invalid credit card was used while trying to take payment
- Fixed the QB Desktop issue where the class designation would not be added per row in the IIF file
- Fixed the issue while dispatching that if you go to add a new contact on the service call, the popup would just spin and spin
- Fixed bug in Technician Report
Monday, June 17th
- QBO - on Customer sync, include the Company Name on Jobs
- QBO - on Invoice sync, include the Customer Notes from the repair tasks/invoice line items
- Fixed the issue where the diagnostics were associated with the invoice after the invoice was created on the app and the invoice PDF was not including the diagnostic reports.
- Fixed the issue where the service agreement was sold with current date but after it sync'd to the cloud it would say "Not Yet Active"
- Fixed the issue where on the weekly calendar view clicking the day was going to the current day, rather than the day selected
- Fixed the issue with the invoice search to allow cents in the amount search
- Fixed the issue where on edit of a customer record it was requiring the email address even if the company setting was such that an email address should not be required
- Adjusted the font size on the invoice status boxes - decreased the font size by one to try to allow more of the service agreement name in the box.
Monday, June 3rd
- We changed approaches for the link in the text messages. Rather than outsourcing the shortened URL link we developed our own system, so any link issues are now resolved.
- Fixed multiple issues with the Upcoming Service Call report.
- Fixed multiple issues with the Weekly Calendar view.
- Fixed the renewal service agreement to take the current duration and number of tune ups as opposed to the original service agreement information.
- Fixed the issue with the default calendar date when trying to add a second technician to a service call in the future.
- Fixed the issue with new companies where the default diagnostic fee is not being set when booking a call from the calendar.
- Fixed navigation issue - on the admin site when clicking on the 1st step of the QB sync to check for duplicates, then click the back button, the system takes you to the main settings page on the Command Center.
- Added filters to the Technician List - All, Active, Inactive. Set the default to Active Techs.
- Added extra logging during the ESM Proposal acceptance to record the user's browser, device and operating system.
- Updated the Diagnostic Conversion Report to filter on Invoice Status.
Monday, May 20th
- Fixed the bug where if you go to renew the service agreement and the terms of the service agreement have changed (like the number of the tune ups), then the software is now taking the "new" or "changed" values of the agreement - the most recent data.
- Fixed the bug where the invoice counter on the web was increasing by twos.
- Fixed the bug where you could not update the link to a website on the support materials.
- Fixed the navigation on the customer record when viewing the Scorecard report.
- Fixed the bug where the Scorecard report was not getting placed into the customer's Email Log history even though the report was being emailed.
Monday, May 13th
- Multiple QBO Sync issues.
- Fixed the Customer Back button. It is once again dynamic returning the user to the previous page as opposed to the customer list.
- Fixed the bug where if the Email Field was set to be not required, it was still required when creating a new Customer from the Service Call page.
- Fixed a bug on the Monthly calendar view.
- Dashboard Report - on the Revenue view, new filters have been applied to view the Revenue by Invoice Status - All Invoices, Estimates Only, Work Authorized Only, Complete & Not Paid Only and Complete & Paid Only.
- Fixed ESM navigation issue from the web version of the Proposal Comparison page
Monday, April 29th
- Restored the ability to delete Auto Tune Ups. If you accidentally delete an Auto Tune Up you can recreate it by clicking on the Service Agreement Edit button on the Customer Record. Remember that when you delete an Auto Tune Up it will NOT update the Tune Up Owed counter. If you need the Tune Up Owed counter to update, then Close the Auto Tune Up as opposed to Deleting it.
- FIXED - If you add a Service Agreement to an Invoice and then decline it, the Service Agreement is being created. While this has been fixed, overall there has always been a separate Decline button for the Service Agreement on the invoice, but now both are working.
- FIXED - Issue where when creating a Customer if you provided a Customer Type, the Customer Type value was not saving.
- ADDED - Two filters on the master Service Agreement List. Now you can sort by Active Service Agreements and pre-9.0 and/or 9.0 Service Agreements.
- QBO - Fixed the issues that occur when data is deleted from QBO like Billing Terms, Payment Terms, etc.
- QBO - Performance enhancements to the Recent Activities List on the QBO Dashboard
Monday, April 22nd
- FIXED - Recurring Email Blasts. We have added Opt-Out Functionality to allow your Customers to opt out of the following communications. Please note that the software will not run email blasts that were scheduled to run while the functionality was disabled. You will either need to wait until the next scheduled run time or create a new blast.
- Appointment Reminder Email
- Appointment In-Route Email
- Auto Product Replacement
- Declined Email
- Filter Program Emails
- Repair/Replace Emails
- Recurring Email Blast
- Service Agreement Reminders
- Support Material Emails
- Improved performance on the calendar and creating/editing service calls.
- Service Agreement Edit. On the Customer page, when you go to edit a Service Agreement you will have the ability to close out an open tune up, reopen a completed/closed tune up and create a tune up if one was not created (pre-9.0 bug). Please note that we are working on a solution to allow everyone to delete duplicate tune ups.
- Calendar - shortened the time the grey "Creating Service Call" time block appears on the calendar to 5 minutes.
- FIXED - When switch to 9.0 Service Agreement, still able to renew old Service Agreement (3315)
Tuesday, March 19th
- FIXED - "Rescheduled" calls not appearing in Open Call list when first loaded
- FIXED - Invoice formatting when there are many line breaks in the customer notes, the notes bleed into the next section.
Monday, March 18th
- FIXED - Export Job Cost Report - error when generating PDF
Wednesday, March 13th
- FIXED - Dashboard issues for some customers where there was an error message at the top of the screen.
- FIXED - ESM Proposals not sending from the web/app (less than 25MB). There were two problems related to the issue if the proposal contained attachments greater than 25MB. The first issue is still being worked on, which is that proposal will not send. The solution will be to put PDF icons next to the equipment or your company, that when clicked, will pull the brochure for display. The second issue is that if you clicked "Email All" proposal options and one of the options was greater than 25MB, then none of the proposals would send. This second issue has been fixed where the options less than 25MB are sending.
- FIXED - On the Repair List page, the Customer Description column is displaying the Repair name.
- FIXED - The Open Call Report when exported to Excel is blank.
- ADDED - Warning message on the Bulk Reminder Functionality that the Bulk Email are currently disabled until the opt-out functionality is completed. We are targeting the end of the month for this to be completed.
Tuesday, March 5th
- ADDED - Schedule calls from iPhone or smart phone browser. Now, you can access the P3 Command Center from a smartphone or tablet browser to schedule calls and perform other administrative functions.
- FIXED - Export fixes where hidden repair categories were still displaying tasks on the app after export/download. Fixed for initial batch of clients.
- FIXED - Calendar display issues - for appointments in the first row of the calendar, when viewing the detailed information the box was cutoff; when the status was being updated by the techs in the field, the timestamp was not updating on the calendar.
- FIXED - Error when trying to update a closed call.
Friday, March 1st
- FIXED - There are instances where you try to add a service agreement for a customer and the service agreement you want is not in the list. This also happens when you try to renew a service agreement that hasn't expired yet. What is happening is the service agreement in question has a range of 1 to 1 system. As a result, the software is seeing that the first system is taken and it looking for service agreements with a range of 2 or more. With 9.0 Service Agreement this is not an issue because the entire tier is on one plan. However, for the pre-9.0 service agreements this is an issue. As a fix, we allowed everyone to change the range on the pre-9.0 service agreements so that you can fool the system so that it will appear in the droplist.
Thursday, February 28th
- FIXED - Click to edit future service call and the calendar was defaulting to the current day
- FIXED - GPS Insight Integration
Wednesday, February 27th
- FIXED - Repair Tasks for Non-Displayed Repair Categories and Repairs are still displaying on the app
- FIXED - Renew pre-9.0 Service Agreement on the customer page, just spins
Tuesday, February 26th
- FIXED - Cannot create a service agreement from the Customer Page.
- ESM to P3 Invoice - the Invoice amount is always set to Cash price. Will update to change to Finance Price (higher price) and then can be modified based on the customer's payment choice. (3312)
Monday, February 25th - 9.0.1
- APP - iOS Apps - missing "Payment Other" option
- APP - Android App - cannot add negative value on custom repair price
- APP - displaying inactive or non-displayed tasks
- APP - displaying system price even though overridden
- APP - displaying incorrect savings on invoice for pre-9.0 service agreements, if company has switched to 9.0 service agreements
- APP - accepting ESM proposal on app always setting invoice to "cash" price
- On the calendar, if you click the Week and Month view you are directed to the login page
- Invoice PO Number is not displaying on PDF version of the invoice
- Getting random "stack trace" errors - results from an Open Call with No Date
- Air Filter Program - prices will be updated based on shipping cost increase from USPS
Updates Released This Week
Wednesday, February 20th
- FIXED - Adding a service location to a customer is not triggering a QB Desktop sync
- FIXED - When rescheduling a new Service Call, the status being selected for the new Service Call is defaulting to the first status in the list
- FIXED - New support materials are not displaying on the app
- FIXED - Misc QBO issues
- FIXED - Misc individual client issues
- FIXED - the green export button was still allowing an export
Tuesday, February 19th
- FIXED - Click to edit a service call in the future/past, the calendar defaults to the current day
- FIXED - Unable to load tech photo
- FIXED - QB Desktop - the link to check customer duplicates is missing
- FIXED - When a new service call is created, if a new Customer is created at the same time, set the Customer's Lead Source to the Lead Source of the service call.
Friday, February 15th
- FIXED - Trying to change the invoice date to something other than the current date does not save the new date
- FIXED - Create new invoice from the web. If you change the date before you click save, the date will revert to the current day. However, if you then change it again and save, the date change will save.
- FIXED - Cannot delete equipment on customer record.
- FIXED - Timesheet Report
- FIXED - Air Filter Bulk Report
- FIXED - PDF Flat Rate saying Trial
- FIXED - When the short cuts are customized, they are being applied to the whole company as opposed to just the individual person.
Thursday, February 14th
- FIXED - More QBO Issues
Wednesday, February 13th
- FIXED - Misc QBO issues - customers, repair tasks and initial sync.
Tuesday, February 12th
- FIXED - issue with creating new repair tasks
- FIXED - ESM to P3 Invoice - cannot change/edit the price on the invoice.
- FIXED - When sending an appointment confirmation the copy of the email was not appearing in the customer's email log.
Monday, February 11th
- FIXED - Redirected old bookmark pages to the equivalent 9.0 new page.
- FIXED - ESM acceptance date appearing as blank when proposal acceptance on app.
Friday, February 8th
- FIXED - Leaderboard not updating daily
- FIXED - Service Agreement table - add an active column to see which agreement are active or inactive.
- FIXED - Create a new service call from the customer page, the green pin for the current customer is not being displayed on the map
- FIXED - In the customer search field in the header, make the enter key on the keyboard execute the search without having to move the mouse.
- FIXED - Added a spinner to the save Repair Task button on creation to prevent duplicates
- FIXED - Add a column to the service agreement table to better indicate which service agreements are on 9.0 and which ones were pre-9.0.
- FIXED - Invoice Customer Notes are bleeding into the terms and conditions.
- FIXED -Export - adding files/folder does not trigger sync. However, they will sync when an export is triggered by other changes - repairs, pricing, etc.
- FIXED - Open call - lost the ability to create an Open Call with no date.
- FIXED - ESM Export/Sync is not getting pricing changes to the app
- FIXED - The dispatching setting to not include "Rescheduled - Need Fix" even though turned off is displaying those tickets in the open call list.
- FIXED - Dispatch maps are not fully displaying all appointments.
Thursday, February 7th
- FIXED - Some companies are reporting issues with loading the Customer File for a QB Desktop sync. To avoid the errors impacting your QB customer data, please make sure to have the setting selected - "Do not import rows with Errors". This can be found on the Preferences tab. We would strongly advise not loading until the issues have been corrected.
- FIXED - P3 Invoices, the Customer Notes are left justified.
- FIXED - On the Invoice Report, remove the default to "Today"
- FIXED - The QB Desktop IIF log link is missing. It will be restored shortly.
- FIXED - Click Pay Now button in web, the layout was the old version.
- FIXED - If Email Address is not required, do not display the red asterisk.
- FIXED - Can't turn off the Pre Appointment Survey Categories
Wednesday, February 6th
- FIXED - When editing service calls, sometimes the color of the appointment does not match the actual status.
- FIXED - Edit Service Call - sometimes displays Reschedule button.
- FIXED - Export Process
- FIXED - We have disabled the link from the Action Bar - "Receive CC Payment". The page was giving the appearance it was taking the credit card when it was not. Any transactions from this page on Monday February 4th and Tuesday, February 5th were never sent to Cayan for processing.
- FIXED - Can't change the service call time stamps
- FIXED - Create an invoice from the shortcut - the popup to add a new repair task from the repair library is missing the plus button to create a new system if one doesn't exist for the customer
- FIXED - A couple of instances where calls marked for one duration take up a different duration on the calendar. (For any appointments that are currently displaying incorrectly, please do a quick update to reset the duration, re-add to the calendar and it will take up the proper amount of time on calendar.)
- FIXED - Service calls going grey on the calendar after an edit/addition. Appointment is there but it does not display correctly on the calendar.
Tuesday, February 5th
- FIXED - QB Desktop Sync Issue - Customer Link
- FIXED - Creating a new customer from the service call screen - the coordinates are not being calculated so the appointment is not displayed on the map.
- FIXED - ESM - can't email proposal from the app. Web is working correctly so for the time being, sync to the web and then send from the web.
Monday, February 4th
- Server performance issues - general
- Server performance issues - customer list search
- Create Service Call from Customer Record, able to select any starting Status (3280)
- Ability to Save Open Call
- Ability to move Open Call to Assigned Call and Assigned Call back to Open Call
- Ability for a service call to stay assigned to a secondary location when scheduling from the customer record
- Changing status gave an error
- Fixed issue with trying to edit past, completed service call
- QB Desktop Sync Issue - page not displaying
December 17th - 8.0.3
- Removal of “Use Next Invoice Number” Prompt (Web and App)
- ESM Option to display Cash Only Price
- Service Agreement Creation Issue
- Service Call Sync Speed Improvement
- Misc App Bug Fixes
October 15th
- Miscellaneous QBO Integration Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where the pin was not displaying on the map when creating an open service call
- We added help text to the email settings to better clarify the usage of the fields
- Fixes to eliminate extra space on invoice PDF
October 9th - 8.0.2
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
- Credit Card Reader Issue
- Invoice Repair Search Returning Too Many Results
- Invoices Not Displaying on iPads
- ESM – Customer Email and Phone are Blank
- ESM – Export & Sync Not Updating on Tablet
- ESM – Edit Finance Calculating Correctly but Not Showing Correct Finance Option Name
- Paid Online but Not Showing Complete & Paid in App
- Ability to Turn Off the Stars in the ESM Proposal
- Ability to Not Display ESM Cash Discount Amount
- On Customer List Provide Details on Service Location Needs to be Sync’d
October 8th
We had a minor update this weekend:
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
- Email Log on Customer Record
- Longitude/Latitude Coordinates Not Calculating on New Customer Creation
- Ability to Link Multiple Service Calls to an Invoice for Job Cost Report
- Adding Customer Name Based on Display Priority in Service Agreement Report
September 10th
QuickBooks Online Pilot
The Pilot Program for QBO has officially begun. Thank you to the pilot participants. We will post regular updates to the Help Desk.
Recurring Email Blasts Created By Column
We have added a column to the Recurring Email Blasts table to show the person that created the Email Blast. If the Recurring Email Blast was created before 2018 then the column will be blank, but if it was created this year, the name of the person will display.
ESM Bug Fix
We fixed a bug that would set the brand of multiple options to the first option, when, after the proposal is initially created, the user goes back to edit the equipment.
September 6th
Dispatch Map View
Google recently changed the way they charge for the usage of the map and our costs have increased significantly. As a result, while we explore alternative solutions, we have changed everyone's view to "Calendar Only". In addition, on this view we have provided a button called "View Map" which will pull up the dispatch map as before. With this solution we are eliminating all of the unnecessary calls to Google to render the map when the map is not needed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your account manager.
September 3rd
Enhancement - Formatting on QB Invoice
We added a new setting to allow the line breaks in the Customer Notes to transfer to QB via the IIF file. To activate the setting, go to QuickBooks Module and click on the Data Settings page. At the bottom there is a new setting called "Line Break Settings". Click "Yes" if you want each line break to display on a separate line within QB.
Enhancement - Default Communication Preference
We created a setting that will allow each company to set the default communication preference when new customers are created. The setting can be found under the Dealer Tab, Flat Rate Settings page. The current default is "None".
Bug - Service Agreement Terms and Conditions in Email
The Service Agreement Terms and Conditions were not being displayed when an email was viewed in Outlook. This has been fixed.
Bug - Invoice Not Displaying after Merge on Invoice Report
Fixed the bug that would throw an error when trying to view an invoice on the Invoice Report after the customer location was merged.
Enhancement - Delete Service Location will Delete Invoices
If you delete a service location, it will also delete any invoices currently on the service location. There is no impact if you merge the location.
Bug - Service Agreements Edit Deletes Open Tune Ups
Fixed the bug where after creating a service agreement, if you go to edit the service agreement and mark a tune up as being completed, the open tune ups was also being deleted.
Bug - Override of Coordinates Not Saving
If you attempted to override the coordinates, they would not save. This bug has been fixed.
August 27th
Enhancement - Cayan Settings
We provided validation to prevent the Cayan settings from being changed accidentally.
August 13th
Here is a list of the bugs fixed in 8.0.1
- Ability to enter a negative amount on an invoice on the Android app
- Misc credit card reader issues
- Service Agreement renewal issue
- Invoice emails not consistently sending from app
- Invoice email sent flag not consistently updating
Enhancement - Service Call Export to Excel Button (2335)
We are adding a button to export the Service Call report to a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet will contain the same information as displayed on the screen, in addition to the created date of the service call.
Enhancement - Invoice Reports - Date Format on Export (2307)
We are changing the format of the invoice dates on exports so that within the spreadsheet it is easier to sort.
August 6th
Print Invoice
We created a new Print button for Invoices where it will create the invoice in a new browser window without any P3 headers or footers. This way the invoice can be printed from the browser as displayed on the screen. As a result, on the customer record there is a print button on the invoice table, there is an additional print button on the invoice edit/view pages and when you click on the print button from the invoice report it will go to this page.
Invoice Back Button
We added a Back Button on the Invoice Edit page to navigate the user properly to the previous page.
Service Agreement Attachment
We fixed the issue where the Service Agreement was not always displaying in the Invoice when a service agreement was sold on an invoice from the web.
Customer Report
Added the remaining customer data fields to the spreadsheet that is created when the report is exported.
July 30th
Invoice - PDF Error
There was an issue if an invoice had too many Diagnostics associated with it. This cause the PDF to fail in generating. As a result, the PDF will not display if there are more than 5 Diagnostics. If you have more than 5 you will need to email the invoice. In addition, we will have the Print Invoice feature available soon so it can be printed.
IIF File - Repair Task Ids
QuickBooks only allows 31 characters for a Repair Task Id. Therefore, if you create your own Repair Task, the id must be less than 31 characters in order to load correctly otherwise there will be an error while importing the IIF file. We have updated the IIF file to accept the first 31 characters only.
July 25th
Enhancement - Add All Phone Numbers to Appointment Popup/Hover (2218)
In 8.0 we added a fourth phone number field in anticipation of the QB Online sync. The phone number now appears in the calendar popup/hover text and in the open call list when you hover over the phone records.
Enhancement - Customer Info Comments Display Box (2285)
In the web admin, we updated the General Information section on the Customer page. We moved the Comments field to be displayed below the Other Phone field. Now the Comments field will span the whole width. This should allow most comments to be displayed in its entirety on the page.
July 18th
Bug - Customer Record - Is Active Column on Equipment (2279)
Added the Is Active column back to the Equipment table on the web customer record page.
July 17th
Bug - Email Version of Invoice is Not Including the Email Communication Comment (2272)
The Email Communication comments will be added to the top of the invoice below the invoice number and above the Invoice Summary section.
Bug - Invoice - Payment History Display (2276, 2280)
The invoice setting to switch off the payment history display on the PDF, Email and Text versions is not working. Payment history is currently display regardless of the setting.
July 13th
Bug - Fixed - Invoice not displaying company zip code (2269)
The invoice was not displaying the zip code of the company.
Bug - Invoice - PO Number Not Displaying (2254)
If you provide a PO Number on an Invoice, it is not displaying in the PDF/Email/Text views.
July 12th
Bug - FIXED - Invoice Formatting Issue with Service Agreement Name (2207)
If the name of the service agreement plan is too long, then it messes up the formatting on the new invoice template.
Bug - FIXED - Invoice - Single Column Displaying the Service Agreement Boxes (2234)
We will remove the display of the Service Agreement Boxes in the Invoice Summary section if the invoice is to display a single column only.
Bug - FIXED - Invoice - Logo is Distorted
The company logo is getting distorted - squished - on the PDF view.
July 11th
Bug - FIXED - Ability to Edit or Delete a Payment via Web Admin (2198)
We will restore the ability to edit or delete an invoice payment via the web admin. This functionality was accidentally removed during 8.0.
Bug - FIXED - Edit Repair Notes on Invoice (2247)
Currently on the web admin when you click the edit button the notes do not appear in the edit popup so you cannot change them, even though they display on the invoice itself.
Bug - FIXED - Invoice - VIP Club (2242)
In the Invoice Details section, the column header for the service agreement is hard coded to VIP Club, rather than your name of the service agreement.
Bug - FIXED - Can't Create a New Repair Task
There is an issue preventing the creation of new Repair Tasks. Currently, cloned or new Repair Tasks are not saving.
July 10th
Bug - FIXED - Filters Not Displaying (2232)
Sometimes filters were not displaying in the Filter table on the Customer record. This happened when a filter type was not selected. We have updated the table to display all filters regardless if there is an associated filter type.
Bug - FIXED - Invoice - Cannot Change Diagnostic Fee (2222)
When you click to edit the Diagnostic Fee, after changing the amount and clicking Submit, nothing happens.
Bug - FIXED - Adding Flexible Date Service Agreement to Invoice with "0" Month (2228)
When you add a service agreement with flexible dates it was not creating the correct number of tune ups with the correct tune up dates.
July 9th
Version 8.0 is live. Click here to learn more.
Bug - FIXED - Cannot Create a New Service Call from Secondary Service Location (2203)
This is directly related to the Customer page changes from 8.0. Whenever a service call is being created for a secondary service location it associates the call with the primary address. We anticipate this fix taking 2 hours - ETA 11 am CST.
Bug - FIXED - Viewing Diagnostics/Invoice PDFs from Customer Page (2202)
This issue is happening randomly, but there will be a long error message when you try to view a past Diagnostic or Invoice from the customer page. However, if you view the diagnostic from the Invoice report, the Diagnostic appears correctly. This does not impact all clients.
Bug - FIXED - Cannot Change the Invoice Date (2215)
If you change the invoice date, click save, it will revert back to the original date.
Bug - FIXED - Get Error Message to Save on Email and PDF Invoice Buttons (2212/2208)
If you change the invoice, click the save button and then either click the email button or pdf buttons, you will get a false error message - "Please save the invoice before generate pdf".
Bug - FIXED - Invoices Always Displaying 2 Column Invoice Template (2217)
Even if the setting for the customer is the 1 column invoice template, it will still default to the 2 column invoice. This impacts the PDF/Email/Text versions as well.
Bug - Cannot Change Diagnostic Fee Note (2216)
If the technician adds a comment to the diagnostic fee, while it will display properly, in the web the admin cannot change it.
June 25th
Bug - Repair Task Tab - Moving to Page 2 is Blank (2124)
Currently if click on any of the pages (2, 3, 4, etc) the page will appear blank. As we fix the navigation issue, for the time being use the Repair filter at the top to limit the list to a single Repair page. This way you will not need to scroll page to page. In addition, if you conduct a search, it will also limit the list, thereby making scrolling to multiple pages unnecessary. This issue impacted the Repair tab and the Support Materials tab as well.
Bug/Data Issue - Create Service Call - Get Error Page (2148)
If you create a new service call, click Yes to send the appointment confirmation notification and receive an error page, then the underlying issue is actually with the technician setup. In this situation, if you have a technician with a 000-000-0000 cell phone number AND you have elected to send appointment notifications to the technician, then there is an error processing the 000-000-0000 cell phone number. While we are fixing the problem to remove the error, please update the technician's record and provide a valid cell phone number.
Enhancement - ESM - Add Proposal Title to Email Subject Line (2051)
This will make it easier for customers to find proposals when more than one is sent.
Bug - Dispatching Calendar - All Call Status on Week/Month View (2142)
Not all of the statuses were displaying on the Week and Month view of the Dispatch calendar. They are now available and can be filtered appropriately.
June 18th
Enhancement - Job Cost Report Update (1856)
We are going to add the "Expected Time" to the report. This will allow everyone to see, side-by-side, how long the technician was at a job performing a repair compared to how long he should have been there. The "Expected Time" is pulled from the Labor Hours that are on the Repair Tasks. (View Screenshot)
Enhancement - Dispatching - View Service Notes and Description from Calendar Popup (1932)
There will be a new setting that can be activated that will allow dispatchers and manager to view the Service Call Notes and the Service Call Description when the appointment details from the calendar is viewed. The setting will be located under the Appointment Settings tab on the "Other Settings" page. The setting itself is called "Show Service Call Description and Service Call Notes in the Calendar appointment details popup?".
Bug - Credit Card Payment Tab (2065)
There is a bug that is preventing any amounts that go to the penny from being charged. This is being fixed.
June 11th
Enhancement - Upcoming Service Call Report - All Statuses (1911)
We are going to change the Upcoming Service Call Report so that it can report on any status. For example, in addition to seeing the upcoming calls for this week, a company could use the same report to see completed calls from the prior week.
June 4th
Bug - Edit Status on Completed Service Call - Kicked Out (1890)
There is a bug that after you complete a service call and then go to change its status to something other than completed, you are kicked out to the login screen.
Enhancement - ESM - Model & AHRI Search (1922)
In the ESM model, on the Brand Setup page, we will add the ability to search by model and ahri number so that choosing which models and complete systems is easier. (View Screenshots)
Bug - Edit Completed Service Call Navigation (1944)
From the appointments screen, if you click on a completed service call from the past, save a comment and then click the back button, you are return to the calendar for the current day, rather than the day the appointment was on. We are fixing this navigation error.
May 29th
Enhancement - Prompt if Entering Duplicate Customer (1916)
When creating a new customer, the software will check against existing phone numbers, emails and locations to see if the customer is possible a duplicate. View more details.
Enhancement - Business Analytics Page - Service Call Metric (1896)
On the Service Call Metric we are going to give an additional filter so the report can display the data for "All" calls (the current view), or just "Open" calls or just "Scheduled" calls. (View Screenshot)
May 21st
Bug - Back Button - Appointment Calendar to Customer Page (1934)
If you start on the Appointment tab, click to edit a Customer, then click the back button on the Customer page, you are taken to the Customer List, rather than the Appointment tab.
Enhancement - #9 From Survey - Text Notification to Technician on Schedule Change (1917)
This is the same enhancement from 7.3.6. This feature was not ready with the main 7.3.6 release, but is ready now. (Please see the details)
Bug - Dispatching - Navigation Issue (1944)
Fixed problem where if you click to view the service call details for an appointment that is not the current day and then the click the back button, now you will go back to the calendar for the day that you were last viewing, rather than the current day.
Bug - Review Buzz Integration (1801)
Fix the new bugs in the Review Buzz Integration that are the result of software upgrades.
Enhancement - Service Agreement Reports - 2 Updates (1855)
On the Service Agreement Dashboard, when you click the Excel button in the details section we will provide full details about the customer - email address, service location address, phone, etc. In the basic Service Agreement Report we are going to add more options to allow users to search for active and inactive customers in addition to the service agreement contracts themselves.
Bug - Invoice Bundle - Email (1895)
Incorrect price is being displayed when emailed, only when the bundle has been declined. The correct price displays in the PDF and View page.
Bug - Email Logs - Customer and Main Report (1950)
There is a bug where emails that were actually sent to the customer are not appearing in the Customer Email Log table and the Email Log Report. This is impacting diagnostic and invoice emails.
May 7th
Enhancement - Tech Login/Email (1863)
We are going to separate the technician's login id from the technician's email address. Currently they are one in the same. By splitting them apart this will give everyone the flexibility to modify the email address. The login id will still be unchangeable once it is set.
Enhancement - Service Agreement Reports - 2 Updates (1855)
On the Service Agreement Dashboard, when you click the Excel button in the details section we will provide full details about the customer - email address, service location address, phone, etc. In the basic Service Agreement Report we are going to add more options to allow users to search for active and inactive customers in addition to the service agreement contracts themselves. (View Details)
Update - System Part Cost Increase
As part of the update this weekend, we will be increasing the System Parts by 3%. This price update will not be applied to any parts that you have added to your account. When the update is made this weekend, the resulting change in repair prices will not take effect until an Export is made.
Bug - App - Service Agreement Renewal Issue - 1st System (1759)
There is a bug on the app only that when you go to renew the service agreement, it does not allow you to select the option associated with the 1st system.
Bug - Dispatching - Map Not Updating (1927)
The bug was fixed where the map would display correctly, but when you switched to a different day, the pins would stay the same and not update based on the appointments for the new day. The issue was caused by special characters in the notes fields and we are processing the page accordingly for the map to update appropriately.
Bug - Part Tab - Part Cost Last Modified is Incorrect (1902)
It is currently displaying the creation date of the part as opposed to when it was last modified.
Bug - Work Completed Terms Not Updating for Some Clients (1933)
If you change the Work Completed Terms, the are not being updated on the Invoice. This is impacting newer clients.
April 30th
Enhancement - Customer Merge (1860)
We will provide more detailed information on the customer merge to make the identification/selection of the customer easier. (View Screenshot)
Bug - Equipment Report - Export Issue (1894)
Currently when you export the Equipment Report with a parameter/filter, the spreadsheet that is created is blank.
Bug - Invoice - Service Agreement Terms PDF (1899)
If you create a new invoice from the web, add a service agreement to it, move the status to Complete (Not Paid or Paid), when you create the PDF version of the invoice the Service Agreement Terms do not display. This only applies to the PDF version on invoices created on the web.
Enhancement - Edit Service Call Page - Link to Customer (1892)
We are going to make the Customer Name a hypertext link so you can easily navigate back to the customer record.
Enhancement - Web - Equipment Type List Page, Checklist List Page, Diagnostic (1851)
On the Equipment Type list page in the web we are going to add a column to indicate if the Equipment Type has an active checklist. On the Checklist list page in the web we are going to add a column to show the current display status. On the App, when we are creating a new Diagnostic we will provide a warning if the Equipment being added has an Equipment Type that does not have an active checklist. (This update is for the Equipment Type page)
Enhancement - Equipment Report - Add Search by Serial Number (1735)
Provide the ability to search by a Serial Number - full or partial match. (View Screenshot)
Bug - Completed Service - Duration (1908)
If a service call's duration was changed to something other than the default, when the call is completed, it will show the default value, rather than the actual duration set by the dispatcher for that call.
Bug - Dispatch - White Pins (1909)
If you have more than 15 technicians on the dispatch calendar, all of the pins are white. We will provide more colors and then provide the ability for each company to change the colors and/or icons. (For this immediate update we provided additional colors. There is a separate ticket for the ability to change the colors.)
Enhancement - Calendar Month View (1857)
We are going to make three improvements. The first is that we are going to add a spinner so that the user knows when the software is done updating based on the filters. The second is we are going to provide a setting that will allow a company to change the default technician selection to none as opposed to all. The third is we are going to add "Select All" and "Unselect All" links to make it easier to apply filters.
April 25th
Bug - Overdue Invoice Report - Triplicate (1897)
The invoices that are overdue are appearing on the report in triplicate.
April 23rd
Enhancement - Invoice Report - Search by Amount (1852)
Provide the ability to search the invoice report by an exact dollar amount.
Bug - Missing Dealer/Company Coordinates (1866)
There is a bug that is removing the company coordinates so that your company location will not appear on the dispatch map. Until the problem is solved the team is running a script that identifies the companies missing the coordinates and they are recalculated. So far we are averaging about 2 companies per day that are being impacted by this.
Enhancement - Invoice - Pay Now Button
We are going to implement one of the invoice enhancements before the entire Invoice Template upgrade is finished. The Pay Now Button will be available on all invoices emailed or texted, where your company has an account with Cayan. If you do not have an account with Cayan, please contact your account manager. (Update: 3/26 - after previewing the functionality we decided to build two extra features - one, a report that summarizes all payments made online by the customer, two, an alert that can be sent to the company when an online payment is made. As a result, the feature has been pushed out.)
Bug - Create Service Call - Back Button Issue (1880)
If you create a new service call by using the blue "Create Service Call" button on the customer page (underneath the service location address) and then from the create service call page, click its back button, you are taken to the Appointment calendar, rather than the customer page.
Enhancement - Customer Type List Page - Alphabetical Order (1887)
We are going to put the Customer Type List page in alphabetical order.
Enhancement - Web - Equipment Type List Page, Checklist List Page, Diagnostic (1851)
Only the Checklist Page updates will go live. See the full description below.
Bug - ESM - Accept Proposal - Receive Full Payment Issue (1885)
When you go to receive full payment and select the Financing option, it displays the cash price instead of the finance price.
April 16th
Enhancement - Customer Page - Adding Phone Number Labels
For each phone number we will be adding labels so you can better record what the number represents - Bill's Cell, Ext 1001, etc. Please note, in order to complete this update quickly, we limited the scope to just the web admin views. The web admin will be able to add/edit this information. Furthermore, it will be displayed on the calendar, in the popup with the contact details. The view for the techs will remain the same and we will update this for them in a future release.
Bug - Invoice PDF - "Groups" are broken out to individual lines items
If you created an invoice with a group, everything is emailed to the customer correctly. However, if create the PDF, the repairs are broken out individually rather than remaining in the group.
Enhancement - Reports Menu - Reorganization
We are going to reorganize the Reports menu in the CRM/Customer Module so that the reports are easier to find and don't scroll all the way down the page. Please see the Report Reporganization HelpDesk article for more details, including a screenshot on the reorganization.
Bug - Invoice Rounding Issue on Parts
If you add direct parts to the invoice, even though a rounded number is displayed on the invoice ($14 for a part), the invoice uses the exact number ($13.9965) when calculating the price. While there are no issues within P3, there will be an issue when you sync to QB as the invoice totals will be different and as a result, the invoice will not sync. (Please note that only the web will be fixed now. The app fix for the same problem will be included in 7.3.6)
Enhancement - Add/Edit Service Agreement Page
We are updating the page to not allow changes to the number of tune ups once the service agreement is in use by a customer. This is has happened with a number of clients and it is causing confusion and false impression that the system is doing something wrong. Therefore, we are going to prevent the issue from happening. In addition, we are going to update the design of the page to the new template.
April 10th
Bug - App - Not All Equipment Types are Appearing when Creating a New Diagnostic
Random bug where the user is trying to add a new piece of a equipment to a Diagnostic and the Equipment Type droplist does not contain all of the values. (Please note that on further investigation this was not a bug. Rather in the two instances where this occurred the company did not have a checklist associated with the Equipment Type that was wanted. On the Diagnostic, we must have a checklist in order to create a new piece of equipment. As an enhancement, we are going to place a warning on the app as well provide more information on the web.)
April 9th
Calls Disappearing
We have had instances of clients indicating that service calls would disappear from the calendar. After much investigation we determined that it was result of the user updating the service call notes (when the service call was completed) and clicking the "Save Open Service Call" button. It is natural to click this button as it is right below the Notes field. However, this had the consequence of moving the service call from completed to open, with a blank open service call date. As a result, we are going to change the page display for complete calls so that this cannot happen. Please note that we also upgraded this page to our new page template/style.
Reminder Email Improvements
We are going to add validation to the Start Date to avoid a common issue during creation.
Adding Contact Info Phone Numbers to Dispatch Screens
We will display the alternate contacts and their phone numbers, from the customer record, on the dispatch screens.
April 3rd
Appointment Confirmation Email Customization
We will provide the ability for each company customize the Appointment Confirmation email. Please see the following Help Desk article for more details.
April 2nd - Version 7.3.5
1.Diagnostic Not Always Attaching to the Invoice
The underlying issue is that the Diagnostic needs to be sync'd to the cloud first before the invoice can be emailed. We will provide a warning message to the technician if we encounter this situation, so the tech can complete the sync first before sending the Invoice.
2. Scrolling Issue on iPad
Sometimes the iPad does not allow the user to scroll the background when the keyboard appears, thus blocking visibility as to what is being entered on the screen.
3. iPad Cursor Issue
Fixed issue on Customer Details page where when editing contact information the cursor will jump to the end of the text.
4. App - Past Service Call Screen Not Displaying All Invoices
Fixed issue where not all Invoices were being displayed on the Past Service Call page. The was the result of syncing happening in a specific order.
5. App - Service Call Does Not Display Customer/Company Name
This applies to clients that set the prioritization for customer name format display. The page was not displaying the third priority option correctly.
6. App - Future Service Agreements
If the technician renews a service agreement or has a start date in the future, the start date will be "Not Yet Active".
7. Sync Status - Diagnostic/Equipment Images
There are instances where the technician will sync the customer record, receive green arrows, but the images (diagnostic/equipment) do not display on the web. This normally happens when there are several images being sync'd at once. The software then thinks that the images were loaded, when in fact they were not. Therefore, we have to return the correct status of red arrows to indicate that they need to sync'd again. If this has happened, you can still sync the photos even you have closed out the service call. From the app, click the three horizontal bars in the upper left hand corner. Click the Photos menu option. The images will appear on this page. Following the instructions to load the images.
8. App - Non-PPP Information Not Fully Displaying
Fixed bug that was preventing recently added Non-PPP Invoice History from displaying correctly on the app.
9. Dispatching - Added Validation to Prevent a Zero Hour Service Call Type
If you create a service call with a type that has a 0 hour, 0 min duration, then you cannot add it to the calendar (as it cannot take up space on the calendar if there is no time allotment). This gives the appearance of the calendar not working. As a result, we have added validation logic to prevent the service call with no duration from being created.
10. IIF File - Income Accounts
Fixed bug where the IIF file was not creating with the correct Income Account for Repair Tasks that had Income Accounts separate than the default account.
11. Diagnostic Comments Going to Wrong Diagnostic
This happens when a technician is opening multiple diagnostics on the app for a customer. As a result the tech starts entering notes for one diagnostic but is actually on another one by mistake.
12. ESM Model Numbers
We are completing a mass update of model numbers in the software to eliminate all dashes. We have found duplicates in the system that are the result of one distributor adding dashes in the model number for the same equipment loaded previously without dashes. Therefore, to simplify everything, we are removing all dashes from model numbers.
March 26th
IIF File - Double Quote
A single double quote can throw an error when it is loaded to QB in the IIF file. As a result, we have stripped out the double quote. For example, if your repair tasks reads - (Repaired 12" duct) it will read on the QB invoice as (Repaired 12 duct).
March 19th
QuickBooks IIF File - Ability to Download Just Reset Invoices
When creating the IIF file, if you provide a custom date for the invoices, you will have the option to download just the Reset Invoices for that time period, in addition to all invoices during that time period.
Dispatch Map Issues
There are currently four distinct issues that are tied to the update that we made on 3/5 to the dispatch map. These are all fixed.
1.The Dispatch Map Address does not always convert to coordinates. 99% of the issues have been resolved by spelling out any part of the address that may have been abbreviated. For example, "Road" instead of "Rd", "Drive" instead of "Dr.", "Northwest" instead of "NW".
2.On the Core Info tab, the Longitude and Latitude Coordinates are displayed as text fields. However, the fields are currently read only, but because they appear like all other editable fields it is giving the false impression that you can enter your own coordinates and that they will save. We are going to make them truly editable text fields.
3.Even after the coordinates are saved, sometimes going to the Appointments tab, the map will not be centered on the coordinates. This happens randomly.
4.Even after the coordinates are saved, sometimes logging out and logging back in, the coordinates disappear. This happens randomly.
March 16
New Clients - Could Not Download Repair Tasks
For new clients, the "Export to Excel" button was not returning all Repair Tasks in the system. This issue has been resolved.
March 5th
Invoice - Diagnostic Link
There was a bug that was corrected that was preventing a large number of diagnostics from being associated with an invoice.
Open Service Call Report - "P3 Auto Scheduler"
We fixed the Open Service Call Report to make sure all calls were being displayed. We also switched the name of "auto-crone" to "P3 Auto Scheduler" for the service agreements tune ups that are automatically generated when a service agreement is sold or renewed.
ESM Navigation Issue
We changed the navigation during the proposal creation process for the following situation. If you are on the Proposal Comparison screen, then click to return to the equipment selection screen. Now if you add a new piece of equipment and click the Back button, you will return to the Proposal Comparison screen.
Overdue Invoice Report
Fixed a bug that was causing invoices to display multiple times in the report in certain situations.
Default Appointment Map
Fixed a bug that was causing some company's appointment map to not be centered on the Display Address.
Appointment Week View
Updated the Week View so that the color coded statuses mapped to the custom colors as opposed to the default colors.
ESM Proposal - Features PDF
Fixed the bug that was causing the PDF files associated with Features to not display in certain situations.
Invoice & Payment Screens
We added "Please Wait" spinners on the Invoice and Payment screens when the Submit/Save buttons are clicked. This will prevent duplicate or triplicate invoices/payments to be created when the submit buttons are clicked multiple times before the screens refresh.
February 5th
Bulk Filter Report
This new report summarizes for a selected time frame, all of the filters associated with the equipment associated with your service agreement calls. For example, if you have 20 open service agreement call in February, the report will summarize all of the different sizes and types of filters associated with those 20 customers. The goal of the report is to make it easy to order in bulk, the filters needed for a given time period.
Filter Delivery Report
This new report provides all of the filters that are needed on a given day for service agreement calls. This report makes it easy to know how to stock each truck on a daily basis.
January 15th
File Upload - 2MB Restriction
We are looking to increase the file size.
Equipment Picture - Landscape Issue
We are fixing the bug that will freeze the iPad in some situations when taking pictures of equipment in portrait mode.
Text Log
We will provide a Text log to report on all SMS/Text messaging from your account, similar to the Email Log.
Job Cost Report - Add Export to Excel Button
Adding the ability to Export the Job Cost Report to Excel. This Excel button will export the summary page of the report.
Job Cost Report - Pagination
Fixing issue with pagination so there are 10 results per page.
Change File Name
In the web, on the Customer Record, we have provided the ability for the user to change the name of any file in the "Upload File" table.
December 27th
Upcoming Call Report - Fixed Bug
Fixed bug in the Upcoming Call Report where it was not pulling back all available open calls appointments.
December 14
Map Address and Invoice Address
We are going to add to the Core Information tab, a second address that will be used on the Dispatch Map. This address can be different from the mailing address or the address that is currently used on all correspondence with your customers. When we launch this feature, we will default the Map Address to the current Billing Address.
ESM Proposal Comparison - Update Bug
On the ESM Proposal Comparison page, if you change the finance option, while the monthly price updates immediately, the prices under the Price section do not update right away. If you click to the proposal details, the new prices display and the updated prices will display when you return to the Proposal Comparison page. The bug will be fixed so that the new prices are displayed immediately.
December 12
Dispatch Screen - Open Call List Appointment Time Bug
Over the weekend we completed a performance update on the Dispatching screens. In the process the ability to assign a technician from the Open Call List was broken as the available appointment times were not displaying correctly. This has been fixed.
November 27
Email Log
We are changing the structure of the email log on the customer record. Right now it pulls based on the email addresses saved for the customer. As several clients are putting their own email address in the fields, the log table contains emails from different customers. Going forward the log will be based on the customer service location only.
Password Reset
We are going to provide the ability for web administrators to reset their password without having to contact support.
Customer Merge - Missing Proposal
Fixing bug where after merging two customer locations, the equipment proposals are not displaying in the Proposal table on the customer record. The Proposal still displays in ESM, just the link to the customer record gets broken in this instance.
Customer Record - Performance Update
We completed a performance update to improve the load time of the customer record page in the web.
November 21
Technician Utilization Report
In the past the report only allowed whole numbers in the Target Billable Hours; for example, 4. Now it will accept a number to two decimal places - 4.25.
View Customer on Map Without Service Call
We have added a "View on Map" link in the Service Location section on the Customer page to allow everyone to view the Customer's location on a map without having to first create a service call.
Equipment Report
Adding a filter to sort the report by a specific Equipment Type.
November 15
Google Play Store
We will be moving the app into the Google Play Store for Android users to make updates and the download of the app easier. Please note that the app from the Google Play Store and the app from the P3 website are two different apps. If you want to switch to the Google Play Store, you will need to sync all data from your app to the cloud, delete and then reinstall the app, but from the Google Play Store.
November 6th
Upcoming Service Call Report
We updated the logic to remove all service calls with the status of "Reschedule - Need Part" once it has been rescheduled. The original call will no longer appear on the report, but the rescheduled call (assuming it is still open) will be displayed.
October 30th
Upcoming Service Call Report
We have added filters to make finding service calls easier. We are including a filter for Technician, Call Type and Booked By (the admin that scheduled the call originally).
October 17th
Credit Card Processing - Manual Entry Error
We identified a bug that when the technician invoice initials contained a space or a period (like initials), then this would cause a problem when the invoice number was passed to Cayan. We have updated the validation on the technician page to prevent spaces or periods from being in the initials.
Fixed ESM Proposal Pricing Bug
We identified that on Step 5 of the proposal creation process, that if the user changes one of the brands that sometimes it would use the default margin setting as opposed to the specific equipment type margin. This has been fixed.
October 9th
IIF File - Invoice Table
We are going to add back the Payment columns. Originally they were removed because the information was located in the Payment table. However, if Payments are not being sync'd then the information is not available, so now the Payment information will be in both tables.
Service Agreement - Income Account
When a service agreement is created or edited, there is a field to set the Income Account so that when the service agreement is sold, the IIF file will have the correct Income Account set when transferring to QB.
October 2nd
Service Agreement Renewal Reminder Message
We are removing the character limit to allow for longer messages.
September 26th
IIF File Formatting Issues
We fixed a bug that causing the IIF file to not generate correctly if comments were copied and pasted from another program, thereby putting special characters into the file.
ESM Duplicate Equipment
We fixed a bug that causing equipment models to be duplicated within ESM.
September 18th
ESM App Fixes
We have applied the same Material List fix to the app. In addition we fixed a formatting issue on the app when there are custom, lengthy descriptions.
iOS11 Updates
With upcoming iOS11 update, there were some compatibility issues that had to be resolved.
GPS Insight
After receiving credentials from a client we are continuing with our development and testing of the integration with GPS Insight. This will provide visibility to the technician's actual location on the P3 dispatch map.
Customer Record
Changed logic so that a System cannot be deleted if there is a Service Agreement attached to it - whether active or expired.
Changed logic so that if a company has not created a SMS/Text message, then when the technician in the field tries to text an invoice, the software will use a default message. It is strongly encouraged to customize each message for your company.
App - Map Display Issue
Fixed the issue that new iOS users were having as the map did not display the address correctly. Google changed how the map was processed and we had to update our code.
September 5th
Service Agreement Setup
We made a modification to allow "0" tune ups. This is for service agreements where there are no regular visits, but allow for a discount on services.
August 25th
IIF File - Invoice Reset
Several clients indicated that they would reset invoices to appear in the IIF file, but they would not. At first the issue seemed to be random, but then we noticed that for the invoices that would not appear in the IIF file, the customer record was missing the Service Location Name. The real problem is that Step 1 of the QB Sync process is not updating the table correctly to alert everyone if this is happening. We are fixing the bug to make sure all errors are displayed properly in Step 1. Please note, as a result of fixing the bug you may see many more entries in the tables that were not there yesterday.
We fixed the following tables - Customer Having Duplicate Location Names, Customer Having Missing Customer Names and Customer Having Missing Location Names.
View Invoice - Email Button
We fixed the bug that was preventing an email from being sent on the View Invoice page when the communication setting was set to Email.
August 23rd
Print PDF Bug
Fixed the bug that was not allowing some invoices to convert to PDF.
August 22nd
Invoice Bug
We recently updated the invoice to remove the popup if no information was changed on the page. In that process we broke the ability to change the invoice date. That bug has been fixed.
Technician Initials
We have provided each company with the ability to change the technician's initials on the invoices. This way you no longer have to contact support for this matter.
August 21st
IIF Payment File & Log
We have updated the existing log file to create a second table to display the payments separately from the Invoices.
IIF Log File Bug
We fixed the bug where the IIF log file would not display all of the invoices that were actually in the IIF file. If invoices were "reset" then they were not appearing in the log file. This has been fixed.
ESM - Declined Installation Items in Materials List
We fixed the bug where declined installation items on an ESM proposal were displaying in the Materials List. This was fixed on web proposals only at this time.
August 15th
Invoices - Popup
We are going to change the logic so that the popup on the Invoice page that prompts you to save the invoice, only appears if the user has actually changed information on the invoice. This will eliminate many unnecessary calls to the database, plus eliminate the sync issues when the user in the office and the tech in the field are working on/looking at the same invoice.
Last week we made an update to the software to return a message from the Google API if the coordinates could not be found. However, since we have made the update we are receiving reports that clients are receiving this message a lot leading to fewer locations being mapped. We are investigating the cause of this and will determine if we should remove the prompt or if there is a different issue that needs to be addressed.
August 9th
ESM Proposal Formatting
We will make the following updates to the ESM Proposal - adding the tonnage into the proposal title, fixing the formatting in the Warranty section, fixing the formatting in the About Us section and adding the Terms & Conditions to the bottom of the proposal in the email, so it is visible to the customer.
Customer Record - Open Proposals
From the web admin, open proposals displaying in the Proposals Table on the Customer Record are displaying with a $0, even if one of the options have been selected. We are fixing the bug to displaying the cash price of the option selected.
Invoices - Don't Display
We received reports that sometimes invoices display the correct amount in the Invoice table, but when viewed are blank. The underlying issue is that custom repair task and diagnostic descriptions contain special characters which are interfering with the script that loads the page. Once the special characters are removed, everything displays fine. We are in the process of changing our add and edit buttons to check for these special characters and remove them when the information is being saved, so as to prevent this issue from happening. The special characters are usually the result of a copy-and-paste from a PDF document or Word document.
August 1
Dispatch - Open Call Table
We are going to update the Open Call table to display the old style when the Open Call table is located below the map. Basically if you keep the old settings, you will get the old table view. If you select the new setting, where the Open Call list is side-by-side with the calendar, then the Open Call list will display with the new view.
Open Call List - New Setting
We will provide a new setting in the Appointment Settings Tab, Other Settings Page, to allow the company to tell the software to automatically put the current day into the Open Call Date when creating new service calls.
August 2
Job Cost Report
We will add a column on the report for the Customer Name and make it a link so you can go directly to the customer record.
July 27
App Update - Installs Prior Version
There are instances when a technician goes to update the app, but the page that appears is the prior version of the app and not the latest version. As a result, the technician thinks they have updated the app, but in fact they just installed the same version again. The issue is the app page is being cached rather than refreshing with the new information. Until this issue is resolved, please double check the app version that displays on the page. If it states the prior version, please refresh the page to get the new version.
ESM Admin - Create Proposal Issues
We have noticed a couple of issues when ESM proposals are created in the web admin. Please note that these issues are happening in the web admin only. The first issue is the model numbers don't always appear on the proposal details page. The second issue is sometimes the proposal comparison page will not display the equipment images and/or display the same proposal over and over so the price is the same.
Reschedule Service Call - Time Stamps
We have noticed that when you "reschedule" a service call (one that is in the status of "Reschedule - Need Part" AND you click the purple Reschedule button) that the time stamps are not getting updated correctly. The completed date is getting set to the actual time the call was rescheduled as opposed to when the technician finished the call. In addition, if there are any blank time stamps for statuses on the original service call, they are getting marked with the time stamp associated with the new, rescheduled status. Lastly, we added the date to the Change Log for New and Previous values.
QB Sync - Setting to Ignore Payments
We have created a setting to allow each company to disable the synchronization of payments in the IIF file.
QB Sync - Repair Task CSV File
We are getting reports that the Repair Task file is blank even though it states there were repairs that were updated.
Delete Log
We are going to create a log of all delete events on the web admin so all client can see a history of what information has been deleted from the system.
Repair Page Display
We were made aware that the "Technician View" has a shorter page length and therefore was cutting off descriptions on custom Repair pages on the app if they are longer than our system Repairs.
Week of July 10th
Timesheet - Hot Link to the Service Call
We are going to update the Timesheet report so that you can click straight to the Service Call. This will make it faster for you to update the time stamps when you notice that the time allocated for the call was incorrect.
Invoice Diagnostic Fee Notes
Now when you add a comment to the Diagnostic Fee the comment will appear on all versions of the invoice and will sync to QB.
Web Admin - Email Buttons
When you click the "Send" button, there will be a "Please Wait" message until we have confirmation that the email was sent successfully. The popup will remain until you receive a success or failure message. This message will appear when clicking to email the invoice from the following locations: on the Customer Record Invoice Table, Invoice View screen, Invoice Edit screen.
Invoice Discrepancy - Web/App
There is an issue when the admin and the tech are editing an invoice the same time, but the technician has updates that have not been synchronized. For example, let's say a technician is working on an invoice, receives a partial payment and syncs the invoice to the cloud. Later in the day, the technician then receives the second payment but has to hurry to next service call and does not sync the invoice. The admin meanwhile wants to see what is going on, checks on the call, sees there is an invoice, views the invoice and accidentally saves the invoice even though no changes were made. At this point the software thinks the version on the web is now the latest version (because that's where it was last saved) even though there were changes made to the invoice on the app. As a result, when the technician finally syncs the invoice on the app, the invoice changes are ignored because they were added to the invoice prior to when the admin saved the invoice on the web. This issue has been the reason why many clients have seen discrepancies on the invoices between the web and the app.
We are changing the logic so that we take the last version from the technician/app regardless of the timestamp. Therefore, if there are actual changes that were made to the invoice on the web, those changes need to be synchronized down to the app before the technician makes any further changes to the invoice. We don't see this being an issue because 99% of the time, after the technician has closed down his service call, the invoice will have been synchronized along with the call AND the customer removed from the device.
At the end of the day there will always be a timing issue if both parties (office and technicians) are working on the same invoice during the course of the day. While our software can apply rules to this situation, we should be implementing best practices within your company to avoid these types of conflicts - technicians always synchronizing, web admin not updating an invoice if no changes are being made, communication between the technician and office if a change needs to be made but the service is still open, etc.
Customer List Search Enhancement
As part of the enhancement last week we are making one more adjustment where the customer list will always pull the primary address of the customer only if the search is being done on an address. If the search is on an address, then it will pull the service location associated with that address and then when clicked, will take you to the details of that service location. If the search is on anything else - name, phone number, email, etc - then the address will be the primary location and when clicked, you will see the details for the primary location.
Customer Record - Make Communication Preference Required
We are going to make the Communication Preference on both the Add and Edit Customer Record screens a required field. Right now we are fielding many complaints that users are forgetting to set the preference and as a result confirmation emails and text messages are not being set because there is no communication preference.
Week of July 3rd
Text Messaging
There is a bug where system was sending text messages to customers for clients that have not signed up for text messaging. This was happening on the day-before appointment reminders only where the system was checking the communication preference only and not their company status as well.
Edit Invoice
We have updated the logic so that when you edit an invoice on the web, you can now change the association to more than diagnostic. In the past, if you went to edit the associated diagnostic you could only select a single diagnostic, but now you can select multiple. By associating the invoice with multiple diagnostics, when you create the PDF of the invoice, the diagnostics are attached into a single PDF file.
Customer Record - Coordinates
We use a Google API to calculate the longitude and latitude coordinates for our mapping functionality. There is an issue where if the Google API throws an error (for example it cannot find the address that was entered) then no error message was ever displayed to the user. Now, after you have clicked the Save button, if there was an error from the Google API, then we display a popup to indicated that you will need to double check the address, make any updates and save again in order to get the coordinates.
Week of June 26th
P3 - Web Admin - Repair Task Tab
We fixed the display issue on the Repair Task Tab on the web admin so that the Savings column uses the calculation setting from the Dealer Tab/Flat Rate Setting page to determine its value. The Savings column on the web admin has always been hard-coded to calculate a maximum potential saving by using the Premium or Overtime/After-Hours price. However, now we are using the value of the "Calculate Flat Rate Savings Display based on Regular Price or Overtime Price?" field to calculate the savings. Please note, this change is only to the Web Admin as the prices on the App always displayed based on this field/setting.
Customer List Search Enhancement
We have updated the search. When you click on the customer record it will go to the primary service location, unless you searched explicitly for a secondary service location. For example, if searched for a rental property, when you click to edit you will be taken directly to the service location details for that rental property as opposed to the primary address. However, if you searched on say the customer's name or phone number, then you will be taken to the primary location. This is a combination of the old way the screen used to work along with the current enhancement for specific location searches.
IIF File - Rounding Issue
We noticed that the sometimes sales tax amount were not getting rounded when placed in the IIF file which would then cause an error when loading into QB. This issue has been fixed.
Invoice Report
There was a bug that was not filtering the invoices properly when a Service Call Type was selected. This issue has been fixed.
ESM - Installation Materials Pricing
There was a bug that was preventing Installation Materials from being updated when accessed through the Setting menu option. This issue has been fixed.
Folder & Files
There was a bug that was preventing some client added files and folders from being viewed on the app. This issue has been fixed.
Diagnostic Checklists
There was a bug that was preventing some client created checklists from being viewed on the app. This issue has been fixed.
Other Notes:
We often get asked about how we prioritize what we are going to work on. Prioritizing bugs and enhancements is more of an art than an exact science as there are many considerations taken into account when items are prioritized. Furthermore, priorities change daily as a new item, bug or enhancement, might be viewed as more important than an existing item. Generally speaking bugs are prioritized higher than enhancements; system wide bugs are prioritized higher than bugs happening to a single client; bugs that impact data are prioritized higher than other type of bugs (especially if there is a work around).
Overall the team is split between working on the next major (numbered) release and on immediate bug fixes and minor enhancements. This allows us to be responsive to the immediate needs of our client base, while simultaneously working on the big picture.
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