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Dispatching Phase 1



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    Brian Starzec

    I am posting my vote on the questions to get his section started:

    1) 4 characters

    2) Yes, need to prompt the user to select the service call location if there is more than one.

    3) 2 rows would be my preference for one main reason - out of sight, out of mind.  

    4) More boxes.  I worry about people forgetting to click the info button if they are in a rush.

    5) 3 items, click to view more - consistent with rest of the application

    6) Probably

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    Mike Roberson

    1. 3 (we search by address, 3 digit is the norm for us)
    2. instead of an address just put "Multiple Locations" in the address area (if searching by address this would not be an issue, see #1)
    3. 2-line but allow reordering/removing summery boxes through settings
    4. more boxes, add email to the billing box
    5. 4-items (the mock-up has 4-line, it looks good to me) 
    6. I think reminders/to-do/customer notes can be in the same area, just need to add a completed/archive option or even an expiration.

    New Service Call Ideas:
    I like the Highlight Missing, Over Due INV, Expired SA, etc.
    I love the Open Call Populate option, maybe allow 2 or more appts to be checked & merge into one "new" service call.


    Looking forward to it!!

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