Weekly Bugs Fixes & Maintenance Items
Article last updated: 12/5/2024 - changes from the previous update are in red.
In between numbered versions of the software, we are constantly making updates - whether it is to fix a bug, enhance functionality or add new functionality. This page will be updated daily to provide an update on bugs the team is fixing and on minor enhancements that are being developed.
Please note that we are reporting on system-wide issues/enhancements only. Issues that are happening to just a specific client are communicated directly with that client on an one-on-one basis.
Please check this frequently as it will change often.
Click here to view the Archive of past updates.
December 9th
Version 18.3
This app release was focused on fixing many inconsistencies and randomly occurring issues within the invoice module. In addition, in the Command Center, the release provides more transparency and options for handling when an invoice is done, but still has a balance.
Complete & Paid, but Money Owed?
Internally we ran reports across the various companies on the software and we noticed that many companies, had many invoices, where the Invoice was Complete & Paid, but there was actually money owed.
In some cases, this was intentional. The money was never going to be repaid. In other cases, the companies were completely unaware that this happened.
So, to this end we introduced a couple of key concepts and reports to identify these situations.
There is now a new Invoice Status called "Complete & Write Off". This status can be used when the amount is owed, but it will never be repaid. By using this status, the Invoice Amount will not be included in any Revenue report in the software.
In addition, we have created a new setting whereby a company can prevent a person from accidentally setting the status to Complete & Paid if there is actually an Amount Owed. Along with this, there is a new setting by which a company can control which value is displayed in the Customer Record, Invoice table.
Furthermore, for this issue and general accountability, we added a change log to the invoice to track key changes to the invoice between the Technician and Admin. This log will populate going forward as we were not tracking history before. In conjunction with this, we added the Last Changed Date and Changed By to the Invoice table for more transparency.
Lastly, we created a new Report to help identify any Invoices currently in a status of Complete & Paid, but have an Amount Owed balance.
Bugs Fixed
- Differences in rounding logic resulting in penny differences between invoice views
- Random Issue - Contactless Approval Time Out & no Company Notification Sent
- Random Issue - Invoice not showing on Customer Record but displaying in Invoice Search/Report
- Random Issue - Invoice not setting to Complete & Not Paid
- Random Issue - Not allowing more than 2 decimals on invoice payment amount
- Random Issue - Sales Tax Fixed Rate display
- Random Issue - Service Agreement calculation with multiple repair tasks on invoice
- Random Issue - $0 Diagnostic Fees and Sales Tax
- Duplicate Invoice Creation from Command Center
- Restricting overpayments on invoice
- Tool bar - Invoice search, clicking invoice now goes to the View Page
- Invoice display inconsistencies between Command Center and App when service agreements are on the invoice
- New Report - Complete and Money Owed
- New Setting - Allow Manual Override of Completion Status
- New Setting - If Invoice is Complete & Paid, but there is money owed, what should display?
- New Fields - Customer Record, Invoice Table - Added Last Updated and Updated By Columns
- New Logging - Invoice Changelog (Command Center & App)
- New Invoice Status - Complete & Write Off
- New Report - Complete - Write Off
- App - Edit Invoice - Update Diagnostic Fee - not to standard
- App - Edit Invoice - Update Diagnostic Fee - Add System - not to standard
- App - Edit Invoice - Sales - not to standard
- App - Confirmation Popups - not to standard
October 21st
Version 18.1
In this app release, many screens were fixed for display consistency. In addition, several bugs were fixed.
Bugs Fixed
- Added check when resetting invoice numbers to prevent duplicates
- Invoice date getting set to December 31, 1969 in a specific sequence
- App crash when processing a payment
- Random Payment Other payment processing issue
- Map does displaying service location
- Rescheduled Need Part closing call in random situation
- Reconciliation Report - Invoice & Payment Sync flags not updating correctly
- App initial download status fluctuates
- Spinner issue on ESM report
- Proposal View All from Recent History getting Ajax error
- App - customer detail tags not aligned
- Invoice - fixed popup about changing tech
- QBO - repair task sync issue
- Invoice fixed alignment of buttons
- Equipment Report - added search by customer name
- Material List is now printable
- App - Scorecard - not to standard
- App - Scorecard - Email Customer - not to standard
- App - Scorecard - Save popup - not to standard
- App - Cost Benefit Report - not to standard
- App - Syncing Display - not to standard
- App - Edit Invoice - Edit Diagnostic Number - not to standard
- App - Edit Invoice - Edit Billing Terms - not to standard
- App - Edit Invoice - Edit Service Location - not to standard
- App - Edit Invoice - formatting issues
- App - Edit Invoice - Edit Invoice number - not to standard
- App - Edit Invoice -Edit PO Number - not to standard
- App - Edit Invoice -Invoice tags - not to standard
- App - Edit Invoice - Customer notes - not to standard
- App - Edit Invoice -Tech notes - not to standard
- App - Edit Invoice -Edit Diagnostic Fee - not to standard
- App - Edit Invoice -Edit sales tax - not to standard
- App - Edit Invoice -Edit billing address - not to standard
- App - Customer list issues
- App - Add/edit contact - not to standard
- App - Invoice - Edit Repair Task - not to standard
- App - Add new filter size - not to standard
- App - Create service call - not to standard
- App - Customer Download - not to standard
September 16th
Version 18.0 - Telephone Integration
Bugs Fixed
- ESM - PDF Attachment displays all options when only one is desired
- Email Variables from app are not converting to data when email is sent
- Incorrect Diagnostic Fee in random situation
- Partial payment issue on the App
- Invoice Status not updating correctly when the invoice is updated from the app in a specific situation
September 3rd
Bugs Fixed
- Accepted ESM Proposal Invoice - Sales Tax should not be rounded for newly added items
- Random issue - completed calls not showing on the app
- Apply now button appearing on invoice when the settings is disabled
- Random Invoice issue - No Total Amount Due Displayed
- Phone App - incorrect date for the invoice payment
- App - General Appointment Issue
- Send appointment confirmation when scheduling a service call from app
- Service call display issue
- Random Issue with Diagnostic Fee
- Invoice's Service Call Type Not Automatic after accepting the ESM Proposal
- Unable to update Pre-defined Complete System Series Image
- Customer Record - Remove Cell Number
- Leaderboard - Service Sales not accurate in certain situation
- Sync and Crash Issues
- iPhone/iPad App - Automatic Appointment Sync Issue
- Revenue by Lead Source - Circle Graph and Bar Graph should have different views
- Random issue - unable to add a secondary tech to the service call
- Random issue - 2-Way Text - Group conversation/thread for Techs
- Random issue - Duplicate proposal appearing in the email body
- Random issue - Proposal did not update correctly after Syncing
- Automation Report - # of Email sent/delivered wrong value
- Random issue - Payment marked as paid without processing the full amount
- Random issue - Variable not showing correctly on email sent from tech's tablet
- Service Call Report - Misalignment of the labels
- App Fix for Android 15 Update
- Google Play - Target API level requirements
- App - Add new note - popup not to standard
- App - Customer Record - Send Diagnostic - button should be green
- App - Diagnostic - Select checklist - not to standard
- App - Diagnostic Signature
- App - Diagnostic - Send Email - not to standard
- App - Diagnostic Page - Not in 3 dot menu
- App - Customer Select Location Popup Issues
- App - Switch Location - No Spinner
- App - Edit System Popup Not to Standard
- App - Edit Equipment - Not to Standard
- App - Create New System - Not Standard
- App - Add Equipment - Not to Standard
- App - Equipment List - Columns
- App - Text Invoice - Multiple Issues
- App - Email Invoice - Multiple Issues
- Add Customer Name in SA Invoice Email
- Dashboard Invoice Revenue - Add Filter
- Optimize - Customer Sync, Monthly Calendar, Calendar
- Search using location name when creating service call
- Auto-populate Address when adding customer from Calendar
* Definitions
Updates Completed By Dev Team
The development team has completed their initial development. At this point the testing team is confirming the fix was done according to the specification and that no other areas of the software were impacted as a result of the update; i.e. we didn't break something else in the process. If there are any issues, they are fixed. Once all issues are fixed, then the update will be slotted for the next available release.
In Progress
These are updates where an internal deadline has been set for the development team to deliver the update to the testing team. The internal deadline can be anywhere from a couple days to a few weeks. However, since there is a deadline it is on the schedule and the team is committed to its completion.
Design Phase
These are updates where we are writing the specification for how the system should behave. In addition, in this step we create mockups so that the whole team has a visual representation of how the screens will look and how the interactions will work. Please note that not all updates that enter the Design Phase will move to the In Progress status.
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