How to remove or uninstall the P3 app
If you're looking to uninstall or remove the P3 app from an Android or iOS device, please follow the steps below:
iPad (iOS)
To remove the P3 app directly from your iPad:
- Press on the P3 app icon until all of the icons on the screen start to wiggle.
- On the upper left-hand side, you will see an "X" icon appear - click the "X" icon.
- You will then be prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the app - click OK.
And that's it. You've successfully uninstalled the P3 app from your iPad!
Android Tablet
To uninstall the P3 app from your Android device:
- Go to your device's Settings menu > Apps or Application manager (this may differ depending on your device).
- Touch the app you’d like to uninstall.
- Touch Uninstall.
And that's it. You've successfully removed the P3 app from your Tablet!
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