Report Widget List with Definitions
The Report Widgets are listed below. In parenthesis is the category to which the Report Widget belongs.
Active Service Agreements (Service Agreements)
- The purpose is to show the number and dollar amount of the Active Service Agreements along with a break down of the plans sold.
- Drill Downs will go the Service Agreement Report
- Definitions:
- Active Service Agreements – any Service Agreement where the current date falls between the Start and End Date of the Agreement
Agreements Expiring in 30 Days (Service Agreements)
- The purpose is to show the number and dollar amount of Service Agreements Expiring in 30 Days and to list the 5 soonest expiring agreements.
- Drill Downs will go the Service Agreement Dashboard Report
- Definitions:
- Service Agreement Expiring – where the End Date of the Service Agreement Contract is less than 30 days from the current day
Average Job Profitability (KPI)
- The purpose is to show the average profitability per job based on the Work Type for the given time period.
- Drill downs will go to the Job Cost Report filtered by the time period and Work Type.
- Definitions:
- Profitability – the “expected” profitability of the job based on the “actual” hours worked, but “average part cost”. All jobs are considered, including zero dollar invoices.
Average Maintenance Ticket (KPI)
- The purpose is to show the average maintenance ticket amount for the entire company for the time period selected.
- Drill downs will go to a report that shows the invoices that are included in the calculation, including zero dollar invoices
- Definitions:
- Active Maintenance Ticket – the average dollar value of all invoices that are associated with Service Call Types that are designated with the Work Type of “Maintenance.”
Average Service Ticket (KPI)
- The purpose is to show the average service ticket amount for the entire company for the time period selected.
- Drill downs will go to a report that shows the invoices that are included in the calculation, including zero dollar invoices
- Definitions:
- Active Service Ticket – the average dollar value of all invoices that are associated with Service Call Types that are designated with the Work Type of “Service / Repair.”
Call Summary - Any Time Frame (Service Calls)
- The purpose is to show how many service calls there are for the selected time period and how many calls remain unfinished. The data displayed on this report includes the total number of service calls, the number of “Finished” calls, the number of “Not Finished” calls and the number of “Not Assigned Calls”. The report displays the Service Calls only – the Generic Calls are not displayed.
- Drill down reports included for each call status or all calls.
- Definitions:
- Number of Service Calls – the total number of Service Calls that are assigned for the selected time period
- Number of Finished Calls – the total number of Service Calls that were assigned to a Technician and have an “After the Call Status” like Completed, Canceled, Rescheduled Need Part, etc.
- Number of Not Finished Calls – the total number of Service Calls that were assigned to a Technician but have an “Before the Call Status” or “During the Call Status”. These statuses include – “Scheduled”, “Not Confirmed”, “In Route”, “Arrived”, etc.
- Number Not Assigned Calls – the total number of Service Calls that have the Open status – a service call scheduled for the time period, but are not assigned to a Technician
Customers Not Serviced in Past 2 Years (Opportunities)
- The purpose is to show the number of customers that have not had service in the past 2 years.
- Drill downs will go to a customer report that will list the customers in the list.
- Definitions:
- Having Service in the Past 2 Years – where there is no service call, regardless of status, with a Schedule Date within 2 years of the current date at any service location for the Customer.
Declined Repairs (Opportunities)
- The purpose is to show the number of declined repairs and the value of those repairs for the designated time period.
- Drill downs will go to the current Declined Item report
- Definitions:
- Declined Repairs – Repairs on the Invoice that were declined by the Customer
Email Sent (Communications)
- The purpose is to show the number of emails that were sent in the selected time period. In addition to the total number of emails, we will also display the break down by Email Type.
- Drill downs will go to the current Email Log with the selected criteria.
- Definitions:
- Emails – any email communication sent via the P3 software – either in the Command Center or in the App.
ESM - Open Proposals (ESM)
- The purpose is to show how many proposals remain open – either not Won, Lost or Closed. The report will display both the number of Open Proposals and the dollar amount of those proposals.
- Drill Downs will display the ESM Proposal list
- Definitions:
- Open Proposal – a Proposal that is not Won, Lost or Closed, in other words a Proposal that is in a status of Open, Presented or Draft.
Monthly Job Summary (Invoice)
- The purpose is to show the monthly trends as it relates to the number of job and the average monthly revenue.
- Drill downs will go to the Invoice Report for the month selected
- Definitions:
- Jobs – all Jobs will count regardless of invoice status
- Revenue – only “Approved” Invoices will be included in the amount; i.e., only Invoices with a Status of “Authorized”, “Complete & Paid” and “Complete & Not Paid”.
Money Owed (Invoice)
- The purpose is to show how much money is owed (overdue) with the ability to view the specific invoices and customers that owe the money. The report will display like an aging report showing the amount of money owed by time period.
- Drill Downs will display the Overdue Invoice Report.
- Definitions:
- Money Owed – Invoices with a status of Complete & Not Paid and based on the Billing Terms is overdue
Most Popular Repairs (Invoice)
- The purpose is to show the 5 most popular Repairs and to display it as a percentage of all Repairs for the time period selected
- Drill downs will go to the current Repair Task Summary Report
- Definitions:
- Popular Repair – a Repair that is on an Invoice, regardless of Invoice status
Not Renewed in Past 30 Days (Service Agreements)
- The purpose is to show the number and dollar amount of Service Agreements that did not renew in past 30 Days and to list the 5 most recent expirations.
- Drill Downs will go the Service Agreement Dashboard Report
- Definitions:
- Service Agreement Not Renewed – a Service Agreement that expired and either was not renewed or a new Agreement was not purchased. Basically it is a Service Agreement customer that no longer has an active service agreement since the last agreement expired.
Old Equipment (Opportunities)
- The purpose is to show the number of pieces of equipment that are older than the designated age provided by the user.
- Drill downs will go to the current Equipment Report
- Definitions:
- Old Equipment – to be defined by the user in years. The number will be compared to the Installation Date on the individual Equipment in the Customer Record and display the Equipment that is older
Open Calls (Service Calls)
- The purpose is to show how many open calls remain for the time period and to display the 5 oldest open calls. The report will allow for the same filters as on the current open call report that is displayed on the dispatch calendar.
- Drill Downs will go to the Dispatch Calendar and display the open call report based on the criteria provided
- Definitions:
- Open Calls – are those Service Calls that are not assigned to a Technician
Open Invoices (Invoice)
- The purpose is to show how many invoices remain Open along with the dollar amount of those invoices. The data displayed on this report includes the total number (and dollar amounts) of invoices that are Open, Pending, Due and Past Due.
- Drill Downs will display the Invoice Report filtered by the appropriate status except for Past Due Invoices which will go to the Overdue Invoice Report.
- Definitions:
- Open Invoice – an Invoice with the status of Complete & Not Paid and Work Authorized
- Pending – Invoices with a status of Work Authorized
- Due – an Invoice with the status of Complete & Not Paid that is not overdue for payment
- Past Due – Invoices with a status of Complete & Not Paid and based on the Billing Terms is overdue
Payments (Invoice)
- The purpose is to show how much money was collected against invoices for a given time period. The report will display the total amount received along with the breakdown via Payment Method. Each Payment Method will display even if the amount is zero.
- Drill Downs will display the Payment Summary Report
- Definitions:
- Payment – money marked as received within the P3 Software. Please note that it does not mean received to your bank or organization, but rather indicated as received within the software.
Proposals Sold (ESM)
- The purpose is to show how many proposals were sold in a given time frame. The report will display both the number of Won Proposals and the dollar amount of those proposals.
- Drill Downs will display the ESM Proposal list
- Definitions:
- Sold Proposal – a Proposal that has a Status of Won
Proposal Summary (ESM)
- The purpose is to show a summary of Proposals for the given time period. The report will show the number of Proposals created, the number and amount that was won, the number and amount that is open and the number and amount that were lost.
- Drill Downs will go the ESM Proposal List for the criteria selected
- Definitions:
- Proposal – an ESM proposal
- Won Proposals – a Proposal with a Status of Won
- Lost Proposal – a Proposal with a Status of Lost or Closed
- Open Proposal – a Proposal with a Status of Open, Draft, Presented
Recurring Billing Summary (Invoice)
- The purpose is to show how many recurring invoices are present for the month along with the dollar amount. The report will also break down how much has been billed thus far, and how much remains. Lastly, the report will include the number of recurring invoices where the credit card has expired.
- Drill Downs will either go the Upcoming Recurring Billing Report or the Completed Recurring Billing Invoice Report
- Definitions:
- Recurring Billing – those invoices that have been setup to automatically recur – whether monthly or annually
Revenue (Invoice)
- The purpose is to show how much revenue was generated in a given time period. The report allows for setting a goal to track progress.
- Drill Downs will display the Invoice Report with all of the Invoices for the time period
- Definitions:
- Revenue – The invoices with a status of Authorized, Complete & Not Paid and Complete & Paid for the time period selected
Revenue Earned (Invoice)
- The purpose is to show how much revenue has been earned for either the day or the month and then compare it to either the rest of the days in the month or the other months in the year.
- Drill Downs will display all of the revenue invoices for the time period
- Definitions:
- Revenue – Invoices that are Authorized, Complete & Not Paid and Complete & Paid
Revenue by Lead Source (Marketing)
- The purpose is to show the Top 5 Lead Sources by both volume and dollar amount that generated the revenue for the designated time period.
- Drill downs will go to a list of all Invoices associated with the Lead Source for the time period
- Definitions:
- Lead Source – this is the Lead Source that is set on the Service Call associated with the Invoice. If the Invoice is not associated/linked to a Service Call, it will not be displayed on this Report.
Saved Search (Misc)
- The purpose is to show how many records meet the criteria of the Saved Search. The goal is to help bring the Saved Search data to the forefront in the Dashboard.
- Drill downs are dynamic and will go to the corresponding report that contains the Saved Search. For example, if the Snapshot is setup for an Invoice Saved Search, then the drill down will go to the Invoice Report with the details for the Saved Search.
- Definitions:
- Saved Search – any official “Saved Search” from the core Reports
Service Agreements Sold (Service Agreements)
- The purpose is to show how many service agreements sold in a given time period. The report allows for setting a goal to track progress.
- Drill Downs will display the Service Agreement with all the Service Agreements for the time period
- Definitions:
- Sold – This is the combination of new Service Agreements Sold and Renewals. Any Service Agreement with a Start Date that falls within the time period selected. If a Service Agreement covers multiple Systems, it will count as a single Service Agreement sale in this report.
Service Call Estimates (Opportunities)
- The purpose is to show the Repair Invoices (Invoices associated with a Service Call) that are in an Estimate status and have not been approved for the designated time period. This does not include Proposal Estimates – please see the Open Proposals Snapshat for that information.
- Drill downs will go to the current Invoice Report
- Definitions:
- Service Call Estimate – an Invoice that is in a status of Not Authorized.
Tags (Misc)
- The purpose is to show how many records have/don’t have a particular tag. The goal is to help track “tagged” data.
- Drill downs are dynamic and will go to the corresponding report that contains the Tag. For example, if the Snapshot is setup to check for a Service Call Tag, then the report will go to the Service Call Report.
- Definitions:
- Tags – any data that has a “Tag”
Today's Call Details (Service Call)
- The purpose is to show how many service calls there are for the day and how many calls remain unfinished by the detailed status. This report is similar to the Today’s Call Summary but rather the number of calls for each Call Status is listed. Therefore, the data displayed is dynamic and based on the actual status of the calls at the time the report is run. The report displays the Service Calls only – the Generic Calls are not displayed.
- Drill down reports included for each call status or all calls.
- Definitions:
- Number Not Assigned Calls – the total number of Service Calls that have the Open status – a service call scheduled for the day, but are not assigned to a Technician
Today's Call Summary (Service Call)
- The purpose is to show how many service calls there are for the day and how many calls remain unfinished. The data displayed on this report includes the total number of service calls, the number of “Finished” calls, the number of “Not Finished” calls and the number of “Not Assigned Calls”. The report displays the Service Calls only – the Generic Calls are not displayed.
- Drill down reports included for each call status or all calls.
- Definitions:
- Number of Service Calls – the total number of Service Calls that are assigned for the current day
- Number of Finished Calls – the total number of Service Calls that were assigned to a Technician and have an “After the Call Status” like Completed, Canceled, Rescheduled Need Part, etc.
- Number of Not Finished Calls – the total number of Service Calls that were assigned to a Technician but have an “Before the Call Status” or “During the Call Status”. These statuses include – “Scheduled”, “Not Confirmed”, “In Route”, “Arrived”, etc.
- Number Not Assigned Calls – the total number of Service Calls that have the Open status – a service call scheduled for the day, but are not assigned to a Technician
Today's Non-Reconciled Report (Service Calls)
- The purpose is to show the number of Service Calls that have not been Reconciled for the day. In addition, we will display the total number of calls along with the percentage of those not reconciled.
- Drill downs will go to the current Reconciliation Report for the current day.
- Definitions:
- Not Reconciled Service Call – a Service Call where the Reconciliation flag is set to No on the Reconciliation Report.
Tune Ups Overdue (Service Agreements)
- The purpose is to show how many Service Agreement Tune Ups are Overdue. The report will display the number of Tune Ups.
- Drill Downs will display the Service Call List for Auto Tune Ups that are no yet completed – still have a status of Open
- Definitions:
- Overdue – where the Service Call of Auto Tune Up has a status of Open and where Schedule Date is in the Past
Upcoming Recurring Billing (Invoices)
- The purpose is to show the upcoming Recurring Invoices for the next week, along with the credit card status.
- Drill Downs will go the Upcoming Recurring Billing Report
- Definitions:
- Recurring Billing – those invoices that have been setup to automatically recur – whether monthly or annually
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