Quick Start - Technician App Training
Before beginning this training, please confirm:
- You have watched:
- You have installed and logged into the P3 App
- Someone in your office has scheduled you a service call for training purposes
Service Call Training - Technician App (38:53)
Video Outline
Retrieving Service Calls (0:30)
- 0:30 - Retrieving a dispatched call on the Appointments page
- 2:24 - How the App communicates the status of the call with your customer and dispatcher
- 3:00 - How the App does technician time keeping
- 4:05 - Looking at details of the assigned service call
Retrieving Service Calls (4:53)
- 5:02 - Referencing historical info (previous calls, invoices, warranty info, service agreements, etc)
- 6:15 - Adding/editing equipment info and photos
- 6:40 - Creating a New System
Creating Diagnostic Report (9:48)
- 9:48 - Creating Diagnostic Report
Creating an Invoice (14:00)
- 15:06 - Adding repairs to an invoice using the “3 buttons”
- 15:10 - Using the flat rate repair library
- 15:31 - Creating a New Repair that is not in the P3 library
- 15:51 - Using time & materials
- 17:04 – Adding notes to an invoice
- 18:46 - Troubleshooting searching for a repair
- 18:50 - Change the wording
- 19:50 - Accessing the Repair Pricing library
- 21:30 - “On the Fly” Additions using Add New Repair Button
- 22:38 - Adding a System Part-Switching to Time and Material
- 23:44 - Decline Feature
- 24:36 - How to sell or decline a service agreement
- 27:55 - Editing the price for a repair that is already in the P3 library
- 29:15 - Rearranging items on invoice/Moving items around on invoice
- 29:26 - Adding Coupon Codes on Invoice
- 30:32 - Changing to single column Invoice
- 31:10 - How the status of the invoice is changed using signatures
- 32:35 - Changing Billing Terms on the Invoice
- 33:04 - Processing payment
- 35:06 - Synchronizing customer information from the iPad or tablet to the cloud
- 36:06 - Sending customer invoices by text or email
- 37:38 - Closing, cancelling or rescheduling a service call
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